Chapter 23

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I looked up, and turned my gaze to the left. I spotted a nearby cave that I never noticed before. I heard something fumbling around inside. It scared me, but at the same time, I was so deep in sorrow that I almost didn't care if it was some wild animal coming to tear me apart, and eat me for lunch. Still, I kept my eye on the opening of the cave, until I saw something crawling out. Well, I thought, this is the end.

However, when I saw the creature crawling out of the cave, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. It wasn't a wild animal at all, but a person. He looked so familiar. He was very thin with long, skinny arms, big hands with long, wiry fingers. His head was larger than a normal-sized head. His eyes were big and blue. He had a bit of reddish, brownish hair. Actually, to me, it looked more like strawberry blond, but whatever. His legs, like his arms, were long and skinny, and his feet, like his hands, were big with wiry, skinny toes. He was wearing a loin cloth and nothing else.

No, I thought. THere is no way in hell this is real. This is not Sméagol. This is just my mind playing tricks on me. Still in tears, I picked up a nearby branch, and whacked myself with it to see if I was dreaming or imagining things. I could still see the creature, so I pinched myself to make doubly sure this was real.

I guess it was real, because I could still see him. He appeared to be much taller than he was in the movies. I watched as he crawled toward the pond, looking for fish. Oh, God, he was so beautiful, even more beautiful up close. I wanted so badly to reach for him, take hold of his hand, talk to him, hug him, but I was too shy. Besides, would he even like me? After all the times I've been dumped and tossed aside, it was pretty clear to me how unlikeable and intolerable I am. But, what if he saw me? Would he talk to me? Would he even want to talk to me, or would he be repulsed by me?

Through all this, I was fighting back tears that I still hadn't finished crying, but I couldn't fight anymore. I let them fall, but tried to be as quiet as possible. Every bone in my body was hoping he would notice me, but I was so terrified that he wouldn't like me, either. At the same time, if he was going to see me, he would see the real me, someone who cannot hold in her emotions or hide them behind a fake smile or blank expression. He would see me at my most vulnerable. He would have no choice, because I couldn't hide my pain. If he did notice me, he would have no choice but to see me at my worst. Would he be able to handle it, or would it scare him off like it did to so many others?

As he scanned the water for fish, he turned his gaze over to me, and my heart jumped. This was the moment of truth. What would he say, think, and do?

He crawled over to me, and looked up at my soaking wet face. I saw his expression change from eager to sad. "Why does it cry, Precious?" he asked me in the sweetest, warmest tone.

Oh, God, his voice was so sweet and innocent, and I heard so much kindness in just that one phrase. I placed one hand on my lap, and he immediately extended his hand to me. He took hold of my hand, and held it in both of his. His hands were wiry, but in a pleasant way. His skin was so soft and warm. I looked at his face again, and became a human tsunami. All my pain eroded in a huge wave of tears and deep, heavy sobbing and wailing. He moved in closer, and threw his arms around me, pulling me into a tight, warm embrace.

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