Chapter 53

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I also went back upstairs to my room, and sat at my computer. I logged onto Facebook, and saw that I had a message from Logan. I hesitantly clicked on it, and let my computer read it out to me.

"Cheyenne, listen, I know we broke up, and I'm in a new relationship now, but at the very least, you could send me a message every now and then. Ask how I'm doing. Talk to me. I still want to be your friend, because I still care about you very much. But, you're not being fair to me, Cheyenne. It's very hurtful when you completely ignore me. Cheyenne, I wish you would talk to me. I wish you would support my decision, but I guess that's too much to ask. Maybe you're not the woman I thought you were."

Are you fucking kidding me? I thought to myself. I could feel the anger boiling up inside of me, until all my feelings of hurt and resentment exploded into a long response.

"Logan," I typed angrily, "the fact that you break up with me out of nowhere with no good explanation, over text, I might add, get a new girlfriend less than two months after telling me you weren't ready for a relationship, messaging me again to tell me about her and rub our breakup in my face, and now, try to turn it all on me, saying I'm the one in the wrong, tells me that you are not the man I thought you were. I thought you were loyal, honest, and trustworthy, and I was stupid enough to believe you when you promised, you promised me you would never leave me. You broke that promise, Logan, and don't give me the whole 'we can still be friends' bullshit speech. You can't just rip my heart out of my chest, stomp on it, break it into a million pieces, and expect me to act like everything's fine. That's not fair to me. Logan, you really hurt me. You broke my trust in you. I have spent the past four months, trying so hard to be okay again, and you have the nerve to say that I hurt you, that I'm the one being unfair? No, Logan, it doesn't work like that. I'm not taking the rap for your mistakes. You screwed up this time! You did, not me! I admit that I wasn't the perfect girlfriend, but I gave you my all. I loved you so much, and I thought you loved me, too. Now, I know you never did. Maybe that's why you left me. You were ready for a relationship, but you didn't want one with me. Maybe it's because of my disabilities, or maybe because I don't want kids. I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't give a shit anymore. All I will say is, I hope you are a better boyfriend to Katie than you were to me. I don't know her, but I do know she deserves better... and so do I. Goodbye, Logan. PS. Kiss my ass!"

I was surprised at how I managed not to call him every name in the book, and spew out every cuss word in the English language. Still, I said everything I needed to say, got it all off my chest. I clicked over to his profile one more time, and this time, I unfriended him. Yep, I actually went through with it, and honestly, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. It was actually very freeing to know I was no longer carrying this heavy burden on my shoulders anymore. I was really proud of myself, and I couldn't wait to tell Sméagol, Hayley, and Abby. I actually printed out the messages to show them. Then, I sent Abby a text. This was usually when she checked her phone. I would either send her a text to let her know if I wanted to have lunch, or she would text me to invite me to have lunch.

I waited for a few minutes, but no answer. Oh, well, I thought. She must've been busy.

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