Chapter 36

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Our food finally arrived a few minutes later, and smelled amazing as always. Even Sméagol's mouth watered, looking at the fish and chips on his plate.

"Careful, Sméagol," said Abby. "It's hot."

"Try blowing on it," added Hayley. "That helps a little sometimes."

"Yeah, try giving it a blowjob," I joked.

Abby and Hayley snickered at my dirty joke.

Sméagol, on the other hand, was very confused. "What's a blowjob, Precious?"

"I'll tell you later," I replied, snickering. "It's something sexual," I whispered.

Sméagol smirked as he blew on his fries softly, and waited until they weren't too hot to pick up. Then, he popped one in his mouth. He slowly and carefully chewed it.

"How is it?" I asked.

"Very tasty," he said happily. "Sméagol loves chips."

"Try dipping them in the ranch," Hayley said, pointing to the condiment cup containing ranch dressing.

Sméagol picked up another fry, and carefully dipped it in his ranch. He quickly popped it in his mouth to prevent it from dripping all over his clothes. "Even better it tastes!"

Hayley and I smiled, knowing how much we love dipping our fries in ranch dressing instead of ketchup.

"Why don't you eat your fries first?" Abby suggested. "Give your fish time to cool down."

"And, fries get cold fast," I added, "and cold, soggy fries taste nasty."

Sméagol chuckled. "Alright, Sméagol eat tasty fries first."

So, Sméagol finished his fries. Then, he broke off a small piece of his fish, popped it in his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

"Well?" Abby wondered.

"So much better than raw fish, Precious!"

"You like it?" I asked.

"Oh, Sméagol loves it!"

"Try dipping it in the sauces."

Sméagol did so. He dipped one piece in the tarter, and the other in the cocktail sauce. "Mmmmm! So tasty!"

I smiled. "See? I knew you'd like it."

"Oh, yes, very much, Precious." Sméagol kissed my forehead. "Thank you, Cheyenne. So kind you are to Sméagol."

I rested my head on Sméagol's shoulder. "So kind you are to Cheyenne."

Sméagol giggled, and put his arm around me. "So grateful I am to be your friend."

"Me, too, Sméagol. You're awesome."

"Awwwww!" Abby and Hayley swooned.

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