Chapter 6

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We continued eating and chatting away as we listened to the CD.

"How's your pizza?" asked Logan.

"Awesome, as always," I said. "How's your burger?"


"So, have you heard from Lucy yet?" Lucy is our choir director.

"Yep, got an e-mail from her yesterday."


"I got the solo."

I gasped excitedly. "Yes! I knew you would get it!"

"What about you? Are you gonna try out for one of the solos?"

"Nah, not this time."

"Why not?"

"I've gotten so many solos in past concerts already. There's a lot of singers in the choir with amazing voices that deserve solos. I wanted to give them a chance, too."

Logan smiled warmly at me. "Aww, that's sweet."

"Well, it's just... I don't wanna get a reputation as the 'star' of the choir, the girl who gets all the solos, and everyone else doesn't, you know?"

"I know what you mean. You don't want people to think of you as a diva?"

"Nope. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love when I get a solo, but... in the past, I've been called a diva before, because well, I acted like one. Ugh." I cringed as I remembered my childhood days.

"What are you talkin' about?" Logan said with a silly grin.

"Well, when I was a kid, I was really into Disney Princesses, and I wanted to be a real princess."

"Awww, that's cute."

"Not really, because I would act like a little bitch. I dressed up in princessy dresses all the time, and acted like I was all that with a side of curly fries. I was so picky about what shoes I would wear if I was ever wearing a pretty dress. I always had to wear dressy shoes. Never tennis shoes, or I would throw a hissy fit. I mean, I still don't like wearing tennis shoes with a nice dress, but I'm not an ass about it now. And, I always had to wear my little princess tiara with my outfit, or I would lose my mind. If anyone ever messed with me or picked on me, or whenever grown-ups would yell at me, I would act like the biggest drama queen, like all those people were evil villains messing with a 'beautiful princess.' Ugh! Oh, my God! I'm cringing just saying it out loud."

Logan just laughed.

"Yeah, be glad you didn't know me when I was that little brat."

"Well, I guess it makes sense you'd act like that, though. People treated you like shit. Being a princess was a defense mechanism."

"Yeah, a terrible one," I scoffed. "I can't believe my mom didn't beat my ass."

"Because, she knew you were hurtin', Sweetheart. Nobody ever stood up for you, so you had to do it all yourself. Your princess persona was your shield."

"But, I should've known better than to act like that."

"You were just a little girl, Sweetheart."

"But, that still doesn't excuse my behavior. Lots of little girls acted better than that."

"Yeah, but I'm sure Autism played a role in it also."

"Maybe, but still. Even if I was a princess, a true princess doesn't act like a snob. The Disney Princesses are all sweet, kind, humble, caring, and strong women, not rude, snotty drama bitches. If I wanted to be like a Disney Princess, I should've followed that example."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you're just like a Disney Princess now."

I blushed. "Really?"

"You're kind, strong, and caring, and in my eyes, the most beautiful woman I know."

I smiled at Logan. "Well, in my eyes, you're my Prince Charming. You're everything Prince Charming represents--kind, loyal, patient, accepting, encouraging, and uplifting, and someone I know I can trust."

Logan laughed softly, and kissed me on the cheek.

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