Chapter 29

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After Hayley left, I led Sméagol into my room, and he looked around at all the technology I had––my television, computer, phone, and more.

"What are these, Precious?" he asked.

"Oh, well, this is a television," I said, "or a TV for short."

"What's a TV?"

"Well, you can watch things on it."

"Like Galadriel's mirror?"

"Kind of. You can watch different shows and movies. They're like visual stories that you can watch on the screen. Or, you can watch the news, so you know what's going on in the world today. You can even watch concerts."


"Yeah, concerts are when musicians perform in front of big crowds. Some of them, they record them, so people who can't attend those concerts can still watch them."

"Music?!" Sméagol inquired eagerly.

"You like music?"

"Oh, I loves music, Precious! Nice hobbitses played music... a long time ago, Sméagol remembers. Beautiful music."

"Did you ever play?"

"No. Sméagol loved to sing, though."

"Yeah, I can tell. I heard you in the shower. You have a beautiful voice."

Sméagol smiled at me. "It thinks my voice is beautiful?"

"Heck yeah. I actually almost cried listening to you."

"Awwwwwww!" Sméagol squealed, giving me a hug. "Cheyenne so sweet!"

I blushed and smiled. "You're really sweet, too. I love your hugs."

"Awww, Sméagol loves hugses."

"Me, too, especially if you hug me with a soft, fluffy sweater."

Sméagol giggled. "Oh, yes, sweaters are very fluffy. Sméagol can see you loves sweaterses."

"Yeah, ever since I was a baby. See, one of my Autistic traits is called Sensory Processing Disorder, which means my brain interprets sensory input, like smells, sounds, textures, tastes, and other stuff, differently. There're some things I'm really sensitive to. That's negative sensory input, and if I'm exposed to it for too long, I might have a meltdown. Some stuff, I'm undersensitive to, and that's positive sensory input. So, sweaters and anything sweatery is positive sensory input for me. I love the soft, fuzzy, fluffy feel to them. When I was a little girl, every time I would see someone wearing a sweater, I would run up to them, touch their sweater, and go, 'Sweeeeeaaaaaterrrrr! May I hug your sweeeaaaterrr?'"

"Awwwwwwwwwwww!" Sméagol squealed, giggling uncontrollably. "So cute you are, Precious!"

I giggled. "To this day, I still love saying 'sweeeaaaterrr.' It's a way of stimming."

"What's stimming?"

"It's how Autistic people block out negative sensory input, get their sensory fix, or just express themselves. I love to rub and snuggle my sweaters and say 'sweeeaaaterrr' as a way of getting my sensory fix, or just to express when I'm happy." I grabbed one of the crochet blankets off my bed, and showed it to Sméagol. "This is one of my favorite blankets. My mom made it for me when I was a kid. I call it a sweater blanket, because it feels just like a sweater."

"Can Sméagol touch it?"

"You can hold it if you want." I handed the blanket to Sméagol, and watched him rub his hands against the soft fabric. I giggled when he rubbed it against his face, giggling like an innocent child.

"So soft and snuggly it is, Precious!" he squealed. "It tickles Sméagol's face, it does!"

I snickered. "I love being tickled."

Sméagol giggled. "Me, too. Does it like zipperses?"

"Well, I don't like to wear anything with zippers on it, because I don't like the way they feel on me. But..." I smiled at Sméagol, "I love the way you look in them. They suit you perfectly, and I love the way Hayley looks in them."

Sméagol smiled back. "Does it like the sound they makes when I plays with them?" He took hold of his zipper, and zipped it up and down.

I laughed. "Yeah, it's a funny sound."

He giggled, and zipped the robe back up again.

"However... I hate, hate, hate clothes with buttons. I don't like to look at them, touch them, wear them, any of that. Sensory hell no!"

Sméagol chuckled. "Sméagol doesn't like them, either, Precious."

"Pretty much everything I own is pullover, all sensory friendly for me. I like dresses and skirts instead of pants and shorts, because I hate things between my legs."

"Oh, Sméagol doesn't mind that."

"Then, you'll probably like the onesies Hayley finds for you."

Sméagol smiled. "Yes, Precious, I can't wait to try on onesies!"

"I can't wait to see you in one. You'll look really cute."

Sméagol giggled again.

"By the way, you have the cutest laugh ever."

Sméagol giggled even more, and smiled sweetly at me. "Very sweet Cheyenne is."

"So are you, Sméagol." Then, I changed the subject. "Hey, remember a minute ago, we were talking about music? Well, I also really love to sing."

"Cheyenne sings, too?"

"Yep. Come on."

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