Chapter 26

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Then, Hayley changed the subject. "So... this is gonna sound like a really dumb question, but... um... how did you get here, Sméagol?"

"Galadriel sent him," I replied.

"Yes, Galadriel tells Sméagol Cheyenne needs him, so she sends him here."

Hayley was confused. "But... how did you... I mean... I thought you..." Then, she thought for a moment. "Wait a minute." She remembered the life-like doll. "That doll I gave Cheyenne... it was gone when I went upstairs."

"It was gone when I read Logan's message," I added. "I thought someone took it."

Sméagol shook his head. "Elveses made Sméagol doll. Sméagol spirit they captured in it... after Precious was destroyed."

"So... after you fell in the lava..." I said, "your spirit was still alive."

"And, some of the elves made the doll," added Hayley, "captured your spirit in it, and sent it to a store to be bought."

Sméagol nodded.

"But, why?" I asked.

"Galadriel tells Sméagol he deserves second chance," said Sméagol. "She said someone special will buy the doll, someone who needs Sméagol... and then, Sméagol be revived again."

"So, basically, they sent you to the store to wait for the right person to buy you," said Hayley, "and once you were in the right hands, they would bring the doll to life. Am I right?"

"Yes, right you are, Precious."

"That explains why the doll looked so real," I said, "and why it caressed and kissed me, and why it smiled at me. That was your spirit. You were slowly coming back to life. I guess the doll was a body the elves created for you, to contain your spirit, until it was time to, I guess, resurrect you."

Sméagol nodded. "Yes," he said. "Yes, Precious."

"And, you were trying to comfort me last night, weren't you?"

"I was, yes. Beautiful Cheyenne was so sad; it broke Sméagol's heart. I wanted to do more, but that was all I could do for you."

I smiled at him. "Well, it meant a lot to me, and it helped me a lot, too."

"Awww," said Hayley, "Sméagol, I'm so glad they sent you here, and that you're alive and well."

"Me, too, Precious," Sméagol agreed. "So happy to be alive."

"So... would you like to come with us... back to our house? I'll give you something to eat. I'm sure you must be hungry."

"Oh, yes, please!" Sméagol said very excitedly. "Very hungry Sméagol is, Precious. Must eat raw fish."

"Actually, I want you to try some other stuff. I know the ring made your body very sensitive to most foods, like bread and stuff, but the ring's gone now. Plus, it's not really healthy to eat raw meat. It'll make you sick. I mean, unless it's sushi. That, you can eat raw."

"So... if it cooks food for Sméagol, it won't hurts him?"

"I don't think it will, and I think you might actually like some of this food."

"It's not poison?"

"Nope. Aww, is that why your body couldn't tolerate any normal food? THe ring made you think it was poisonous?"

Sméagol nodded.

"Awww, you poor thing." Hayley put her hand on Sméagol's shoulder. "Well, I promise you, cooked food isn't poisonous."

Sméagol smiled eagerly. "Sméagol try cooked foods, Precious."

"Okay. Come on, Sweetie."

We all stood up, and Hayley and I noticed that Sméagol was taller than he was in the movies. He wasn't tall, but taller than both of us. I was only five feet, and Hayley was a couple inches taller. Sméagol was only two or three inches taller than Hayley.

I took hold of Hayley's arm, and Sméagol followed us both back to the house.

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