Chapter 58

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As I broke down the equipment, Sméagol reached in the bag, and pulled out two large containers and his stack of cards.

"Hey," said Diane, "what you got there?"

"Sméagol made cookies for everybody!" Sméagol said cheerfully.

Diane gasped excitedly. "You made those yourself?"

"Yes, Sméagol bake them this morning."

"Y'all, don't go anywhere!" Diane announced to everyone. "Sméagol made y'all some cookies!" She turned to him. "What kind are they?"

"Chocolate chip," I replied, "and he also made plain sugar cookies, just in case anyone's allergic to chocolate."

"Sméagol bake them with lots of love." Sméagol handed out his freshly baked cookies to everyone with the warmest smile on his face, and everyone graciously accepted them. Along with the cookies, he also gave everyone a card with a sweet message written on it, the same message he gave to Sarah the other day. His sweet message brought smiles and tears of joy and gratitude to everyone. As he handed out his treats, he also gave everyone warm hugs, which were deeply appreciated and returned.

"I can't eat cookies," said one woman. "I'm diabetic."

Sméagol was confused. "Diabetic?"

"I can't have sugar," she explained. "It makes me sick, does damage to my kidneys."

"Awwww," Sméagol said as he hugged the lady, "Sméagol so sorry, Precious."

The woman smiled. "Oh, it's alright. Thank you, though."

"Sméagol still want you to have this." He handed her the card.

She read the message he wrote, and her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you, Sméagol. Bless your kind heart." She hugged him again.

"Awwww, bless you, too, beautiful lady."

Just then, Diane came up behind him, and tapped him on the shoulder. "Sméagol, thank you so much for singin' for us, and for bein' so kind and giving. You don't know what that means to these people."

Sméagol smiled. "No, I do, Precious. I knows what it's like to feel all alone. Very alone I once was, for a long, long time."

"Oh, I know," Diane said sadly. "Bless your heart."


"Hey, I watched your videos on YouTube. I guess Cheyenne helped you make them?"

"Oh, yes, she taught me how to makes them."

"Well, you do a great job, Sweetie."

"Thank you, Precious."

"And, those onesies you wear in the videos, you look absolutely darling in them."

Sméagol giggled.

"You wouldn't mind wearing one of them next time you come here, would you?"

Sméagol's face lit up. "Oh, Sméagol love to!"

Diane chuckled. "Great. I'll see you in two weeks."

"Alright. Sméagol be here."

Diane gave Sméagol a big hug. "Bye, Sweetie, and your check is in the mail."

"Thank you, Sweetie. Bye."

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