Chapter 24

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"Shhhh, it's alright, Precious," he said softly. "Sméagol's here. Sméagol's here, Precious."

I tried to contain my sobbing, but I couldn't stop. "I'm sorry," I wailed. "I can't stop."

"It's alright, beautiful lady." Sméagol caressed the back of my head, and ran his fingers through my hair, just like my Sméagol doll did, but much more obvious. "Did you lose your Precious, too?"

"Something like that."

"Awww, tell Sméagol about it."

"It's a really long story."

"I will listen, Precious."

So, I told Sméagol everything––about Logan, our relationship, our breakup, and what just happened. Okay, I didn't literally tell him everything, but basically summed it up. It was still a lot of information, though, but whatever. I told him about past relationships, fake friends, bullies, all of it. I even told him about my disabilities, how they were the reason why people treated me the way they did, and seemed to hate my guts.

When I finished explaining, I looked at Sméagol. He had tears in his eyes, too. "I'm sorry," I said shamefully. "Did I upset you?"

Sméagol shook his head. "Sméagol sad for nice lady. I don't understands why people treats nice lady this way."

I nearly started crying again. "Thanks, Sméagol. By the way, I forgot to say, um, my name is Cheyenne. Ugh, crap, I'm really bad at talking to people."



"Such a beautiful name, it is. Such a beautiful lady Cheyenne is."

I smiled through my sadness. "Thanks, Sméagol. I think you're beautiful, too."

Sméagol's eyes lit up. "It thinks Sméagol is beautiful?"

"Yeah, I do, and by the way, I love your name, too. Sméagol is an awesome name."

"Awesome?" Sméagol inquired. "What's awesome, Precious?"

"That basically means really, really, really, really, really amazing or good."


"And, I also think you're awesome."

Sméagol smiled at me. "Sméagol thinks Cheyenne is awesome, too."

I blushed. "But, you just met me, and... you just saw a really screwed up side of me."

"It's alright. Cheyenne saw Sméagol's worst side, she did, but Cheyenne still thinks Sméagol is awesome."

"Yeah, but..." I stopped in my tracks. "Wait, how did you know that... I know your story?"

"Beautiful Galadriel tells me. Such a fair lady she is."

"Galadriel? She knows... about me?"

"Oh, yes, Precious. She sends Sméagol to you. She tells me you needsed me."

I was blown away at what I was hearing. Sméagol was sent to me by Lady Galadriel. Lady Galadriel knew who I was. Everything I thought was make believe... seemed to be real.

Sméagol continued. "My precious, you knows all about me, everything I did, everything I tried to do to poor hobbitses, but you still likes me?"

"Because, I know none of it was your fault. It was that stupid ring that made you do all those things. You had so little control over your actions. You're not a bad guy, Sméagol. You're good, really good. You always were good. Stupid buttface Sauron is the one at fault, that piece of shit."

Sméagol giggled.

"But, now, the ring is gone, and you're free. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are right," Sméagol said, slightly sad. "The Precious is gone."

I think I understood why Sméagol felt sad. "You miss it?"

"Yes, a little, but Sméagol knows it was for the best. It only broughts me pain and misery. It didn't stop the pain like Gollum thought it would."

"No, it only made things worse for you guys."

"Yes, much worse, Precious."

"But, yeah, I have seen you at your worst, and I still like you... a lot. I connected with you immediately. But, you barely know anything about me. I mean, besides all the sad, pathetic stuff I just spewed out to you."

Sméagol placed his hand on my shoulder, and ran his fingers down my arm. "It's not pathetic, my precious," he said sweetly. "Your pain matters to Sméagol. Maybe Sméagol doesn't know you very well, but he still thinks you're awesome. Sméagol wants to get to know you more."

I smiled at Sméagol. "I was right about you."

"What does it mean, Precious?"

"The real you, you're kind and sweet and friendly, not at all judgemental. I mean, you just met me, and already saw a full-on emotional breakdown. You didn't run, though. You didn't judge me, didn't look at me like I'm crazy or a big wimp. You didn't tell me I was getting upset over something stupid, never told me to get over it, move on already. Instead, you comforted me, and you told me that my pain matters to you. Despite everything the ring made you do and say, when I looked at you, I saw nothing but kindness and goodness, and I was right."

Sméagol gave me a warm, bright smile with tears in his eyes. "Can Sméagol be your friend, Precious?" he asked so sweetly.

I smiled back at him. "I would be honored."

Sméagol wrapped me in another tight and warm embrace, and planted a little kiss on my cheek. Again, it was similar to what the doll did, but much more obvious.

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