Chapter 30

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I led Sméagol downstairs to the music room.

"What's this, Precious?"

"Oh, this is a piano. It's a musical instrument. Lemme show you." I sat at the piano with Sméagol sitting next to me, and played a few bars.

"It sounds beautiful."

"Thanks. My mom taught both me and Hayley how to play when we were kids." Then, I played and sang one of my favorite songs, "Walk Beside Me" by Celtic Woman. Yes, the song did bring up some memories of Logan, but I felt like, as long as Sméagol was there, I could handle it. However, I did get a little emotional.

When I finished, I turned to Sméagol to ask what he thought. He was wiping tears from his eyes, and crying softly.

"So beautiful, Precious," he wept. "So beautiful it was. Cheyenne sings even more beautifully than the elveses."

"Whoa, what?" I was truly flabbergasted at his remark. The elves in Middle Earth sing like angels, and he thought I sounded even better? What?!

"So much feeling, so much passion, so much... beauty in your voice, my precious."

"Wow, I... I'm speechless. Nobody's ever said that about my singing before."

"Nobody ever thought it was beautiful?"

"I mean, a lot of people have said they think I have a beautiful voice, but nobody has ever complimented it like you did. That... wow, that really meant a lot to me. Thank you, Sméagol."

"You're welcome, Precious. But... Sméagol saw so much sadness in your eyes when you were singing."

"Yeah, I guess I was."

"Why, Precious?"

"Well, it... kinda made me think of Logan. It wasn't our song, but it was a special song for both of us. When we were still just best friends, we were listening to this song, and... he took my hand, and promised he would always walk beside me." I sighed heavily. "So much for that promise, huh?"

Sméagol didn't say anything. He just put his arm around me, and pulled me into a big hug. He caressed the back of my head with his big, warm hands, and played with my hair.

Then, we went back upstairs, and I showed him how the television worked. I showed him my DVD player, explained what DVDs were as best I could, and I picked out a random DVD to play––Celtic Woman's Destiny concert DVD.

"This is my all-time favorite music group ever," I said to Sméagol. "They're called Celtic Woman, and they're from a country called Ireland. Their music is really beautiful and amazing. Hayley was the one who got me into them when I was thirteen."

Sméagol and I curled up in front of the TV, and watched the DVD together. Sméagol was immediately hooked. The music was so gorgeous and new to him, nothing he'd ever heard before, yet it made him think of Middle Earth.

Towards the end of the concert, they performed "Walk Beside Me." It started with just Éabha McMahon singing, and Máiréad Nesbitt playing the violin. Then, the bagpipes began to play as Mairéad Carlin and Susan McFadden joined Éabha. They both took hold of her hand as the three of them sang the last chorus together.

As they were singing, Sméagol looked at me, and took my hand in both of his. "Sméagol always walk beside you, Precious. I promise."

I looked at Sméagol with tears in my eyes.

He could tell I was scared of getting hurt again. "I won't breaks my promise to you, my precious friend, as long as you promises to walk beside me, too."

"Sméagol, I know we just met today, but... I wanted to walk beside you the minute I saw you. I mean, before we met. I'm not gonna turn on you, but I will warn you that... I'm a lot to handle. I have a lot of baggage, a lot of issues, and that breakdown you saw earlier today isn't even the absolute worst of me. I'm super sensitive. I get my feelings hurt easily. Another Autistic trait I can't really control. I've lost a lot of friends and relationships, because people got sick of me getting so upset over something so dumb. I'm super emotional, a huge crybaby, and I've been told by many, many people that I'm a drama queen. Can you handle that?"

Sméagol held my hand tighter. "My precious, so much worse I have seen. So much worse I have said and done, yet you still wants me as your friend. Sméagol never leave you, ever. Whatever it is, Sméagol can handle it."

More tears poured out of my eyes as I leaned on Sméagol's shoulder, hoping he would hug me again.

Sméagol wrapped one arm around me, and reached his other hand over to me, taking hold of my hand. "You're Sméagol's best friend, Precious. Best friend forever." He kissed my cheek, and wrapped his other arm around me, pulling me into another big hug.

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