Chapter 49

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When Sméagol arrived home, he put the food away in the fridge, and carried his CDs and stationary upstairs to his room. He sat at his desk, opened the packs of cards, and began writing messages on them.

After he had finished writing on all the cards, it was nearly dinner time. This particular night, Hayley had to work a little later, so it would be a while before she could cook dinner for us. Sméagol neatly stacked his cards on his desk, and hurried downstairs to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, and began to cook the food he bought earlier.

Soon, Hayley arrived home with bags of sub sandwiches. "Mmmmm, something sure smells good!" she exclaimed.

"Sméagol making dinner, Precious!" Sméagol called from the kitchen.

Hayley marched into the kitchen, and put the sandwiches in the fridge. "Oooh, whatcha makin'?"


"Ohhh, my favorite! Need any help?"

"Nope. Sméagol knows what to do."

Hayley smiled proudly. "You're amazing, Sméagol."

"Almost ready it is, Precious."

"Ooh, I can't wait!"

When dinner was finally ready, I hurried into the kitchen, excited to see what Sméagol had prepared. I sat at the table, and took in the amazing aroma as he brought three large plates of food to the table. "Lasagna?!" I guessed excitedly.

"Yep," Hayley replied, "and he made it all himself."

"Ohh, this looks so freaking good!"

"Don't eat yet, Precious," Sméagol said cheerfully, opening the oven, and pulling out a batch of garlic bread. He placed a piece on each of our plates. He poured us all our favorite drinks––iced tea for Hayley, Dr. Pepper for me, and water for himself. Then, he set out napkins and silverware for us all. "Now, we eats dinner," he said as he sat at the table with us.

I took a bite of the lasagna. "Oh, my gosh!" I exclaimed. "This is the best lasagna I have ever tasted!"

"Mmhmm!" Hayley nodded in agreement with her mouth full. She finished chewing, and then, took a bite of the bread. "And, the bread is really good, too. You cooked a great dinner, Sméagol."

Sméagol smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Precious. Sméagol happy you likes his cooking."

"Heck yeah," I said. "You're an awesome cook, especially since this was the first time you've ever cooked anything by yourself."

"Sméagol just follows instructionses on box, but extra cheese he added, too."

"Well, thank you for making dinner, Sméagol," said Hayley. "I didn't think I'd get home in time to cook a decent meal for you guys, so I stopped at Subway on the way home. Guess we have lunch for tomorrow now."

"Awww, Sméagol always happy to help, Precious. Sméagol do anything for his friends."

"Awww, Sméagol, you're a sweetie-pie. You know that?"

Sméagol tilted his head and giggled lovingly.

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