Chapter 59

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Remember the text I sent to Abby a few days prior, right after I cut ties with Logan? She never got back to me. I texted her a couple times more throughout the next few days. Still no reply. I tried calling her, but she didn't answer.

The following Friday, Hayley, Sméagol, and I were planning to go out to karaoke again. I tried to call Abby again to invite her. No answer. I was worried, but I tried to calm myself down by assuming she was just very busy.

As I was getting ready, I overheard Hayley on the phone with someone.

"Well, okay, Sweetie," she said. "I just thought I'd invite you to come with us, but I understand. We miss you, though. Yeah, just let us know when you're available. Okay. Bye, Abby." She hung up, and saw me standing in the doorway. "She said she's busy," she said to me, "so she can't come out tonight."

"Oh," I said, pretending I wasn't upset, "okay."

"I'm sorry, Sweetie."

"No, it's cool." I tried to plaster a fake smile, so Hayley wouldn't know how I was really feeling. "I gotta finish getting ready."

"Okay, Hun."

I sauntered back into my room, and closed the door behind me. As I finished getting ready, I couldn't help but wonder why Abby answered Hayley's call right away, but wouldn't answer me. Something was going on. I just knew it. But, wait. If there was, why didn't she tell Hayley? Oh, she probably figured that Hayley would tell me. Yeah, something was up. My gut was telling me that something wasn't right. I tried to calm my fears, but the feeling she was mad at me or didn't want me as a friend anymore wouldn't go away. This had happened so many times before with friends and past boyfriends. They distanced themselves from me, sometimes completely ghosting me, until I found out, one way or another, that they didn't want me in their lives anymore. This was all too familiar to me. I knew the signs, and I had a nasty feeling I was about to lose Abby, too.

I didn't want anything to ruin a fun night with my sister and boyfriend, so I tried my best to shove my feelings aside as I sprayed myself with my favorite perfume, grabbed my purse, and came out of my room, trying to look happy.

At Callahan's, the three of us split a large basket of boneless buffalo wings and a large basket of fries.

"How is it, Sméagol?" Hayley asked when Sméagol took his first bite of the chicken.

"Spicy," Sméagol replied, "but very, very good, yes."

"Is it too hot for you?" I asked.

"Oh, not at all, Precious," Sméagol said, licking his lips. "No, Sméagol likes it very much, he does."

"You can dip it in the ranch, too, if you want."

Sméagol did so. "Oh, so tasty it is," he said enthusiastically.

Hayley and I laughed softly as the three of us finished our dinner.

While we waited for karaoke to start, Sméagol saw someone out of the corner of his eye. "Is that Abby?" he asked.

"Where?" asked Hayley.

"Across the room, in the corner."

Oh, no, I thought. I hope it's not her.

Hayley looked over at the corner of the room. "I don't know," she said. "Might be, but she said she was busy tonight. Maybe it's someone who looks like her."

"Yes, maybe, Precious," Sméagol agreed.

Yeah, I hope so, I thought. I hope it's just someone who kinda looks like her.

Soon, karaoke started, and Sméagol and I were the first ones called up to sing. Our song of choice was "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge. It was our first time singing together as a couple, and it felt so surreal and wonderful. At the end of the song, we threw our arms around each other, kissing passionately. Then, Sméagol wrapped one arm around me, took my hand in his other, and led me back to the table.

Hayley giggled. "Awwww, you two are adorable together."

We looked at each other, giggling like love-struck teenagers as I nuzzled up in his arms.

"Ow," I said.

"Awww, what is it, Baby?" Sméagol asked sweetly. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I chuckled, "I got my hair stuck in your zipper."

Hayley snickered.

Sméagol giggled. "Awww, you poor thing. Here, let Sméagol help you, Precious." He gently removed my hair from his zipper, and brushed it over to the side. "There you go, Precious. Now, it won't get caught again."

I laughed. "Thanks."

Sméagol held me closer, and stroked my hair. "Awwww, so beautiful it is." He ran his fingers through it. "Sméagol loves your hair." He kissed my cheek. "And your beautiful face... and your beautiful voice... and your beautiful heart." He squeezed me tightly, giggling and squealing gleefully. "Awwwwww, Sméagol loves everything about you, Baby."

"Damn it, Sméagol," I sniffled, holding onto him tighter, "you're so freaking sweet."

Sméagol smiled warmly, gently caressing my head and backside.

Soon, it was Hayley's turn to sing. She sat at the piano, and played and sang Celtic Woman's beautiful song, "Send Me a Song." As she was playing, she caught a glimpse of the girl Sméagol was talking about, and even made eye contact with her for a split second.

When she came back to the table, she opened her mouth to speak, but struggled to find the words. "Sméagol?" she said hesitantly.

"What is it, Precious?" Sméagol asked, worried.

She sighed heavily. "You were right."

"About what?"

"That woman you saw earlier... it was Abby."

I looked up at Hayley. "What?"

"Yeah," Hayley said sadly, "she was sitting at a table with some other girls."

I suddenly felt very hurt. Why would Abby tell us she was busy, but show up to the exact place we invited her to with some other friends?

"Sweetie?" said a worried Hayley. "You okay?"

"I..." I couldn't speak.

Hayley quickly realized what was going on with me. "Oh, okay, I understand."

"What is it?" asked a worried Sméagol. "Is my precious alright?"

"Yeah, she's just having a shutdown," Hayley explained. "It's one of her Autistic traits. All her thoughts and feelings are all over the place, imploding inside her. She can't really speak right now. All her emotions are weighing her down right now."

"Awww, my poor baby," Sméagol said sadly. "Is there anything Sméagol can do to help?"

"Hold her. That always helps, and just give her some time."

"Awww, alright. Come here, Baby." Sméagol pulled me close again, and held me tightly, stroking and caressing me. "Awww, it'll be alright. Sméagol's here. Everything will be alright, Precious."

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