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this chapter made me sad and happy all at the same time, y'all either gon' love or hate me 🥺

19 years ago ....

"And then we do this," Dave spoke to himself as he fiddled with Malia's diaper, "I think," He frowned when he lifted her up and it fell off.

"I don't wanna ask your mama, cuz then she's gonna get straight to bitching," He spoke lowly, Malia staring at him blankly.

He tried again and managed to get it fixed together, barely.

"What do babies even think about?" He said staring back at her. Malia started to fuss, putting her face in his arm.

"This means you're hungry," Dave said proudly reaching for the bottle. He was letting Naala get some rest, Malia was up the whole night and he thought she needed a break.

Dave checked the bottle temperature before putting it to her lips, Malia sucked on it before turning her head, letting out a loud scream.

"Oh shit is it too hot?" Dave said fearfully, putting the bottle to his own lips. He sucked out a bit of the milk and almost vomited,

"Your mama has tasted better," He shook his head, that was Naala's pumped milk.

"Amir," Dave heard from the room, "Bring her here," The tiredness in her voice present.

"Nah I've got her Love, go back to sleep," He called out, shushing Malia. "Come on Phat," He groaned when she only got louder.

He heard footsteps approaching them and sighed, here we go, he thought.

"What's the matter Phat girl?" Naala took her from him, putting her on her shoulder. Dave went to sit on the couch, watching Naala walk around rocking her.

"I tried the bottle," He pointed out,

"I don't think she's hungry, just fussy," Naala answered tiredly. She walked over to him and sat in his lap, leaning against him.

That surprised Dave, this was the closest they had been since she gave birth.

"You still sleepy?" He rubbed her thigh lightly,

"I'm so tired," Naala cuddled up to his chest, with Malia still in her arms. "You did her diaper?" She asked checking it,

"I tried," Dave nodded waiting for her to criticise his work,

"It looks good," She answered with a slight sigh, "Mwah," She pecked his lips, surprising him once more.

"I'm sorry --"

"I don't want us to do that right now," Naala mumbled with her eyes closed, "Not now,"

"Okay," He answered wrapping his arms around them. Malia cooed slightly, her own eyes closed.

"I love you, both of you," Dave said quietly, touching her cheek,

"We love you too," Naala smiled in her sleep, just grateful for a moment to sleep safely.

Dave looked down at both of them, he didn't think life could get any better. He had his wife and his newborn baby in his arms, and their two other babies in the next room.

This was where he was destined to be. He was going to protect his family forever, even if it was the last thing he did.


"So you don't think it will be long?" Dave mumbled on the phone, waiting for the doctor to come and join him.

"I need to move them into the house first," He said with a sigh, "Thanks man," He said hanging up.

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