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a/n - don't hate me pls, I love y'all xxxx


7 years ago...

Sinai stared at the 4 pregnancy tests that were on her bathroom counter, the sick feeling returning.

"I said I'm here for you," Hassan put his hand on her waist,

"I can't have a baby Hassan, I'm not even finished with school," Sinai sniffed moving away from him,

"So what do you wanna do?" He leaned against the counter and stared at her,

"I don't want it, my dad will kill me," She sighed holding her head in her hands,

"Who gives a fuck what he thinks?" Hassan cursed, "Look Nai, I knew what I was doing when I got into this with you,"

"Are you dumb?" Sinai sighed, "You are my brother's dad, how am I meant to tell them this?"

"You're grown, we fucked and made a baby, it ain't that serious," Hassan shrugged,

"What about my mom?" Sinai asked him, "This is gonna hurt her,"

"She'll get over it," He said lifting her head up, "She cheated on your pops with me and kept that shit a secret for 8 years, she can't judge you,"

Hassan didn't see the problem, he saw Sinai as an adult, they weren't related directly either so it didn't seem nasty to him.

"You're not taking this seriously San, I don't want a baby," Sinai started to cry, "I wanna go to med school, I can't do that with a baby on my hip,"

"You want an abortion?" Hassan questioned, "Cuz I'll take you but I don't support your decision,"

Sinai scoffed, "You don't have a say in this, it's my body,"

"Same shit your mama said and look where we are now, 12 years down the line and we got two kids," He chuckled,

"See thats disgusting, I'm not my mom - I have respect for myself," Sinai said in anger,

"I didn't say you didn't but we made this baby so you gotta face the consequences," He shrugged.

"I'm getting an abortion," Sinai said firmly. "If you don't want to come I'll go with Leli,"

"Don't tell Naleli this shit," Hassan said quickly.

"I'm not stupid," Sinai huffed crossing her arms. Hassan stood in front of her, taking her arms and pulling her closer.

"I'm sorry," He kissed her cheek as she started to cry,

"How did this even happen?" Sinai cried into his chest.

"I thought I pulled out, it's my fault," He whispered rubbing her back. "Stop crying," He held the back of her head.

"I'm scared," Sinai sniffed,

"Give me a kiss and stop worrying bout it," Hassan commented lifting her head up. Sinai sighed and kissed him, letting him wipe her tears.

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