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18 years ago...

Dave sat forward tiredly, peeking into the incubator as Naala slept beside him.

"You're so small," Dave said quietly, rubbing Saint's tiny hand. "I don't think I've ever held something this small," He spoke to himself.

Naala turned over in the bed, still sleeping heavily. That was the only time Dave got to spend with Saint because when she was awake, all they did was argue.

"Sorry to interrupt," A nurse knocked on the door. "It's time for his feed," She held up the bottle.

"Oh, Love you gotta get up," Dave said tapping Naala softly,

"It's okay, don't wake her up," The nurse said halting Dave's actions. "It's easy, I can show you how," She suggested.

"Nah, I've never done nothing like that," Dave declined straight away.

"It is honestly very straightforward, don't worry," The nurse laughed. She set the bottle down and sanitized her hands.

Dave watched her open the incubator and gently lift Saint out,

"I can hold him?" Dave asked quietly,

"If you think you can," The nurse joked. "Hold your arms up like this," She showed him how she was holding Saint.

Dave nervously put his arms in the same way and was as stiff as a brick when the baby was placed in his arms.

"Just like that," The nurse nodded, "First baby?" She questioned getting the bottle ready.

Dave's eyes were stuck on Saint, "No we have a daughter but I wasn't around when she was this size,"

He always found it awkward to tell people that, it seemed like he was a deadbeat and he could sense the judgement most times.

"You get used to it," The nurse smiled at him. "I was the same when me and my husband adopted our daughter,"

"So I ain't the only one who don't know how to hold a baby?" Dave said looking up from Saint.

"Not at all, you're doing very well for the first time," The nurse praised him. "Your girlfriend didn't let you hold him?" She digged.

"We aren't talking right now, I did some shit that's made her lose trust in me." Dave spoke honestly. "I didn't want to force myself into the picture,"

"But he's your son," The nurse furrowed her eyebrows.

"He is," Dave nodded holding Saint's hand. His small chest rose up and down, while he slept peacefully.

"My advice is that you get to know your child, he comes first," The nurse spoke. Naala began to stir so they stopped their conversation.

"And then when he's done, you just put him back in the incubator," The nurse instructed Dave.

Naala sat up and looked at him, her lower half still very sore from birth.

"You're holding him?" She said in surprise. The nurse closed the door behind her, giving them their privacy.

"I am, it ain't that bad," Dave mumbled making sure Saint was drinking the milk safely.

"He likes you," Naala commented tiredly, "You should try and hold him more rather than leaving us here,"

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