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10 years later
Lincoln Correctional Facility
Maximum Security

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"You ain't coming to eat Chocolate?" Naala's cell mate, Cindy asked with a smile. Chocolate was a name she inherited being in prison and Naala hated it.

"I have my parole hearing," Naala said anxiously rubbing her hands on her pants. "I have a good feeling about this one,"

"I'll see you after lunch," Cindy chuckled. She had watched Naala get ready for these hearings every time and the outcome was always the same.

"Bitch," Naala mumbled standing up to do her hair.

"Where you off to pretty?" Someone popped their head into the room.

"You know where I'm going King," Naala said looking at him with a smirk.

"I'm gonna miss my favourite inmate," He said standing by the door.

"That's if they let me out," Naala responded. "But I'll miss you too Kingy,"

"Alright now, Chocolate, let's go!" King shouted hitting the cell door, sending her a wink. Naala turned around and let him handcuff her, leading her away.

"This dress shouldn't be legal," King mumbled as he watched her walk in front of him.

"I still have it huh?" Naala chuckled switching her hips a little harder.

They walked down to where her hearing was taking place.

"Good luck beautiful," King said taking her cuffs off. He kissed her cheek and squeezed her waist.

The hearing dragged on like it normally did, Naala wasn't interested.

"Have you learned from your crimes?" They asked her.

"The crimes I didn't commit?" Naala questioned with a raised brow.

"For the attempted murder on your husband," The man said clearing his throat.

"I wish he died," Naala shrugged. "And when I get the chance, I'm going to finish the job,"

"Mrs Brewster -"

"It's Love. Naala Love. I've told y'all to change that before," Naala huffed with a side eye.

"Right, Naala," The man said. "This hearing isn't really to hear anything more from you. The charges against you have been dropped,"

"What do you mean?" Naala asked quickly.

"The victim dropped them. He didn't want you to suffer more than you already have," The man informed her.

"Really?" Naala said quietly. "So I can leave?"

"You're free to go. But you'll see a probation officer every week for a drugs and alcohol test," He went on to explain all the terms of her release but Naala wasn't listening.


"You're finally free Chocolate," A CO said handing Naala the bag of belongings she was arrested with.

"Free," Naala scoffed, "I'll never be free," She said quietly rustling through all her stuff.

She knew no one would be outside waiting for her so she hoped she had some money.

"This is to get you on a bus or a train," The CO said handing her $20. It was barely anything but to Naala it was something.

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