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Hey y'all before I get into this chapter, a very very very lovely girl reached out about the trauma that goes on in this book. I do aim to put trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters but I be forgetting sometimes 😭
Just a disclosure, if any of this story or storylines make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, please reach out. I touch on some really hard subjects which can be triggering for some people and I would never want anyone to suffer in silence.
My messages are always open or feel free to comment and let me know if a particular subject is too much. I want everyone to enjoy my book as much as I do and that means I need to be inclusive of all readers.
Now I'm sorry for my little speech, onto the the good stuff  ❤️

TW 🚸


18 years ago ...

Naala stepped out of the shower grabbing her towel to dry herself off. She heard voices through to the room and sighed - knowing this was going to be something.

Coming out of the bathroom, Naala saw Justice sat on the bed, with a phone to his ear.

He waved her over and pulled her into his lap, kissing her cheek.

"You was in there for long," He said putting the phone on mute,

"Was I?" Naala asked quietly,

"What's the matter with you?" Justice asked with his arm around her waist. "You still feel sick?"

"Yeah I can't keep anything down," She sighed standing up. She walked over to the closet and chose something to where.

"Am I allowed to leave the house today?" Naala asked him,

"For what?" Justice glanced at her,

"For fresh air Justice," She said lowly, "I need fresh air,"

"Go out on the balcony, the air is fresh out there," He spoke picking his phone back up again.

Naala huffed and stepped back into the closet, putting her shoes back.

She listened to him on the phone while changing into something more comfortable.

"Princess come out here," Justice said after a while, she had been in there for 10 minutes.

"I'm coming," Naala sniffed wiping her eyes. Naala was a prisoner and she hated it.

Justice had got her released from the psychiatric hold Dave put her on after she gave birth to Malia.

Obviously he wasn't going to let her go until he was ready.

"You're crying, what's wrong?" He said taking her hand,

"I'm late," Naala mumbled sadly,

"Late to where?" He quizzed confusedly,

"No I'm late as in I haven't gotten my cycle." She said looking up at him.

"Oh I knew that," He waved her off leaning back. "You didn't ask for any of your products,"

"Justice please tell me you didn't get me pregnant on purpose?" Naala sighed, her eyes filled with tears.

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