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I promised y'all a chapter xx

David Amir Brewster

"Stop it," I said holding Naala's arms down as she tried to hit me,

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Stop it," I said holding Naala's arms down as she tried to hit me,

"Get off me," She screamed at me, "I don't want you to touch me," She wriggled. Her eyes were dark, black almost.

"Baby it's me," I shushed her, "It's me La, please stop," I said holding her arms tighter.

It took her a moment to calm down and realise who I was before she stopped fighting me.

"Can I let go?" I asked looking down at her,

"Mmhm," She nodded, her eyes filled with tears.

"Baby," I sighed when she laid in my arms, crying into my chest.

"I'm sorry," She sobbed, "I didn't know it was you,"

"I know, it's alright," I lied. It wasn't okay, she blacked out on everyone, smashed up everything and left Justice bleeding out on the floor.

"You're bleeding," I said looking at her hand, "Let's clean you up," I said helping her up.

"I didn't know," She repeated when I sat her in my lap.

"I know you didn't mama, it's okay," I reassured her cleaning the glass out of her hand.

"What happened?" She winced as I picked the pieces out,

"You attacked Justice," I reminded her, watching to see if she would react to what I said.

"I did?" She asked me, "Was Malani there?" She added,

"Yeah she was," I nodded. I got all of the glass out and took an alcoholic wipe to clean the wound.

"Oh," Naala answered biting her lip, "Did I - did I kill him?" Her tears started once again,

"I killed her dad?" She cried looking at me,

"No you didn't kill him." I spoke fast, I don't know if she did because I got her out of there before an ambulance came.

"I'm sorry," She whispered again,

"You don't gotta keep apologising," I said wrapping her hand up. "It ain't your fault,"

I didn't blame Naala for finally acting out from everything that she had been through. I wished she didn't do it while carrying my child though.

"You're mad, I can tell," She sniffed,

"I'm mad that you didn't listen to me, when I told you a whole bunch of times to calm down," I spoke my mind,

"It's not that easy," Naala argued with me,

"And you still trying to justify putting our child's life in danger?" I shook my head,

"I am not justifying anything Amir but I'm not going to let people carry on walking all over me," Naala replied,

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