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I hope everyone's lace fronts are on tight 😜

"Sinai let her hair go!" Chanel shouted tugging on Sinai's hand,

"I'm gonna stomp you the fuck out bitch," Sinai said pulling her into a head lock.

Malia was on the other side of the room, her hands flailing everywhere with Temi trying to calm her.

"This is some bullshit," Dave groaned trying to separate everyone,

"Oh she fainted," Caiden called out pointing to the person on the floor,

"Touch her again and I'm gonna mop this floor with your ass," Naala said when Dave stood in front of her.

"Do it then bitch, you standing there talking all that --"

Dave couldn't even catch Naala fast enough, she shot off like a rocket trying to get to her, using all her force.

"Chill the fuck out!" Dave screamed at her, holding her arms tight.

24 hours before ...

"You really think I want Justice?" Naala laughed sipping on her drink, which was non-alcoholic. Dave had stopped her after two drinks.

"I know you want him," Gloria said crossing her arms,

"Somebody come get this old woman because she's delusional," Naala said in amusement,

"She is very crazy," Sonia mumbled, "Naala darling don't even pay her no mind," She touched Naala's shoulder.

"Can we just eat?" Chanel sighed putting her hand under her chin,

"I didn't get to say why I'm on the trip," Brianna raised her hand,

"Sorry Bri, you go," Maniya said looking at her,

"I want to learn more about myself and also learn to love myself," Brianna said with a smile,

"Mama you are so corny for that," Caiden burst into laughter, "We here about to have the second hunger games and you talking about loving yourself,"

"I didn't want to say it," Malia laughed along with him,

"How old are you guys? Honestly," Maniya spoke in anger,

"Old enough," Malia smiled to be petty,

"Clearly not," Noelle commented under her breath,

"Speak up because I thought you just said something." Malani furrowed her eyebrows.

"Malani," Justice said in a warning tone,

"What? This is a retreat, she's talking under her breath, speak up." Malani reiterated.

"Her mama's child for sure," Gloria commented,

"Why is my name always in your mouth?" Naala asked her, "I am sitting here minding my damn business and you are here talking out the side of your mouth,"

"Stop it, just ignore her, you keep responding," Dave said turning her face towards him,

"Better listen to your man," Gloria laughed,

"Stop picking fights with her, pick a fight with me because I will happily stick my foot up your ass," Gigi pointed at her.

Gigi was a 77 year old woman but she would fight for her granddaughter, no questions asked.

"Ko si ija," Iya said to Gigi, rubbing her arm. [No fighting].

"I don't blame you Nana, she's doing too much," Naleli said loudly, "I've been letting all this slide but you are not gonna keep talking smack about my sister,"

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