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16 years ago ...

"Cereal or eggs Saint?" An 8 year old Sinai said while helping him put his uniform on,

"We had cereal yesterday," Saint complained while she fixed his tie,

"Okay, so eggs?" She questioned moving onto Malia's hair,

"Eggs," Malia spoke quietly, playing with her fingers. Sinai looked at her in shock, she never spoke so that was a surprise.

"I can try and make eggs." Sinai nodded adding a bow to Malia's hair.

Sinai was getting them ready for school, while Naala stared into space somewhere.

She finished up on getting them dressed and lifted Malia up on her hip, taking Saint's hand.

They entered the kitchen, where Naala was stood staring out of the window.

"Mom can I make them eggs?" Sinai asked, gaining no response from Naala.

She sighed, sitting Malia on the counter. Saint sat on a chair on his own, tugging at his tie.

Sinai pulled her stool close to the stove, stepping up to turn it on.

Naala continued to stare out of the window, not acknowledging her kids around her.

"Okay so first I do this." Sinai said to herself, putting the pan on the fire, dropping in some oil.

She had watched Naala enough times and was now attempting it herself.

Sinai got down, going to the refrigerator to get what she needed to make them their breakfast.

"I'm hungry," Saint said with a frown,

"I know Bubba, I'm coming," Sinai said cracking the eggs into the pan,

"Mama, is this right?" She asked Naala again. Now Naala was sat on the chair they had in the kitchen, staring ahead.

"She's not awake," Saint said flippantly, "Mommy is still asleep," He looked at Naala.

Sinai huffed and concentrated on getting the eggs right, she had told Saint that when Naala was like this - she was asleep.

Sinai got off her stool, pushing it towards the cupboard with the plates inside. She took a plate for Malia and Saint putting it in front of them.

She flipped the eggs a few more times, turning the heat down and adding some cheese, like how Saint liked it.

When they looked good, she slid them on to two separate plates.

"Thank you," Saint mumbled taking the eggs,

"Careful it's hot Bubs," She said pouring him some juice. She focused on feeding Malia, all while Naala stayed silent.

"These are good," Saint praised her, finishing them off,

"Let me do your lunch," Sinai said jumping up, she normally does it the night before.

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