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Probably the longest chapter I've ever written 😝

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3 months later ...

Manhattan, New York

Naala stretched tiredly, bending down to roll up her yoga mat. Her yoga session went on longer than it normally did, so she had to rush to her hair appointment.

"Can I just say you have an amazing body?" A woman spoke from behind her, "I spent the whole class wishing I could look like you," The woman added with a smile.

"Thank you," Naala smiled politely. "I try and keep up with it," She laughed.

"It's honestly perfect, you must have no kids. I had my first and doubled in size," The lady continued before taking a sip of her water.

"No, I actually have 7 kids," Naala said shyly, the number always surprised her too.

"Get the fuck out of here," The lady gasped. "I'm sorry to curse, also I'm Andie," She introduced herself.

"Naala, and I'm being dead serious," Naala laughed, she liked Andie's aura, it was calming.

"I don't believe you, how old are you?" Andie said in shock,

"Getting to that stage where I don't want to say," Naala shook her head, "But I'm 39,"

"I have to speak to your doctor because no way," Andie shook her head. "I'm sorry if I'm being overbearing but I've been going to this class for years and I've never met you and you have a New York accent,"

Naala smiled, "I'm new to the area but I've lived in New York my whole life," She explained.

"That's crazy, I can't wait to tell my husband I made a friend," Andie responded, "Not to pry but are you married?"

"No, divorced," Naala answered awkwardly, however she was trying to be more sociable. "Do you want to grab a smoothie or something another time? It's just I have an appointment," She explained.

"I would love too," Andie said happily, "Put your number in here and I'll shoot you a text," She said handing Naala her phone.

"Nice to meet you, I saved it as Naala Love," Naala spoke handing her the phone back.

"Lovely to meet you Ms Love, till we meet again," Andie said in a jovial tone. Naala gave her one last smile and left the yoga centre, walking to her car.

Naala finally purchased a new car instead of a rental. She had a brand new Tesla Jeep, in cocaine white just how she liked it. It took her a while to work out all the technology but Saint sorted that out for her.

As she approached her car, she rolled her eyes at the person who was posted up on it, clearly waiting for her.

"Naala," Hassan said leaning off her car. "It's been three months,"

"What do you want Hassan? I have things to do," Naala said putting her hand on her hip.

"To talk, like I've been trying to do," Hassan answered. Naala had been icing him out so he decided to pull up on her.

"Is it about Samar?" Naala questioned looking at him,

"Nah --"

"Then I don't want to hear it. Like I said, move I have things to do," Naala repeated walking closer to the car.

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