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I've got a lot of questions at the end for y'all, respond so I know you've read it ❤️

Not proof read, forgive me x


Naala laid on her bed, with her head against the headboard. Her phone was in between her shoulder and her ear as she attempted to paint her nails.

"And then I went for smoothies with a friend," Naala continued to tell Dave about her day.

"You had fun?" Dave asked in response,

"Yeah, she's a really nice girl, I think I finally have some friends again," Naala spoke happily, "What about you? Do you miss me yet?"

"I missed you as soon as we got on that flight," Dave admitted lowly, "Ion like this bicoastal shit," He complained.

"Me neither, the house is so quiet without you or Nasir," Naala frowned, finishing on her last nail.

"You still haven't heard from him?" Dave questioned her,

"No, now I'm worried. I shouldn't have said those things to him, he's my son," Naala sighed. She had been beating herself up for what happened with Saint. She regretted kicking him out.

"He's grown La," Dave answered, "He made his decision when he chose to be disrespectful," Dave was the disciplinarian when it came to parenting. Naala couldn't stand her ground, she always caved.

"But I'm his mom, I shouldn't have kicked him out. He said he never wants to speak to me again," She pouted,

"He's just talking," Dave waved her off, "I'll call him tonight and check on him, don't stress about it."

"Thank you, I appreciate you a lot Amir," Naala said softly,

"It's my job. How was therapy?" Dave spoke getting comfortable in his own bed. This is how they spent most nights, caked up on the phone.

"It was good, we spoke about my dad today," Naala commented, "But enough about me, I want to hear about your day." She smiled.

"I didn't do shit. Malia had a meeting at school and that was about it," He replied,

"About her grades?" Naala questioned quickly, "She told me she was working on them,"

"If working on them means failing everything then yeah she's working on them," Dave scoffed. Malia was definitely one of their most problematic children. He wished she could be like Sinai, an absolute angel.

"It's this new boyfriend," Naala said with a sigh, "I told you she's too young to date,"

"Then why didn't you tell her not to?" Dave shot back,

"I tried to and she told me I can't have a say on her relationship when I had a baby at 10," Naala shrugged, "Her mouth is too reckless,"

"She said that to you?" Dave sighed, "Ion know what else we can do with her. She don't listen to nobody but Naleli," He added.

Naala rolled her eyes at the mention of Naleli. They hadn't spoken since they left LA and being they lived in the same city, they still hadn't seen each other.

"She's brainwashed my child to hate me but I guess that's what I get," Naala said laying back properly. Her nails were drying so she laid down carefully.

"Y'all used to be close, I can't believe you don't fuck with each other no more," Dave said yawning,

"Naleli can suck the shit out of my ass," Naala cursed nonchalantly, "You're tired bae, go to bed," She said when Dave yawned again.

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