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A/n - Zenia will now be referred to as Malani, but some of this chapter got written before hand so if you see Zenia, just ignore xx

18 years ago,

Naala held the phone to her ear as she walked around the kitchen, preparing Saint's bottle.

"Right, so we can do Wednesday instead," Naala huffed fixing Saint on her shoulder.

"You know I hate cancelling on you lil baby," Gray's voice floated through the phone.

"It's fine, their dad is here anyway," She replied. On cue, she heard Dave enter the kitchen behind her.

This was their first home so it was much smaller, meaning her conversation was travelling through the hallway.

"I've got to go," Naala said when Dave stood behind her, rubbing her belly.

"You still in pain?" He asked kissing her cheek,

"Not really, can you take him?" She passed him Saint so she could clean up the stuff from making the bottle.

"What's up little man?" Dave said to him, "You quiet today," He commented. Saint was normally always crying but he was better today.

"Maybe he likes you being around," Naala muttered bending over to pull out the bottle steriliser.

"It's either you want me here or you don't baby," Dave replied. Naala was giving him mixed signals, a few weeks ago at Christmas she wanted them to take it slow, now she wants him home.

"Why can't you be here for them? This isn't about me," Naala said not turning to him.

"Because if I'm here for them I'm here for you Naala, it's simple," Dave responded, opening the bottle to give to Saint.

"That's stupid!" Naala said feeling annoyed. "Why can't you be a father without fucking me?"

"Did I say anything about fucking? It's you that gets in the bed with me," Dave said flippantly.

"Then I'll stop," Naala said quickly. "It's strictly about them Amir, that's it,"

"Alright," Dave chuckled, he looked down at Saint who was busy drinking the milk. "You heard that son?"

"Don't talk to my son about me," Naala called from the hallway. When Dave had him, it gave her a chance to sort out the laundry and other things.

"You okay baby?" She popped her head into Sinai's room,

"I need your help mama," Sinai held her hand out for Naala,

"Of course what's the matter?" Naala stood next to her, peering over at her drawing.

"This is for you and daddy but I can't spell his name," Sinai said sadly,

"Let me write it down and you can copy, yeah?" Naala suggested taking a pen.

She wrote out Dave's name for Sinai and placed it in front of her,

"And your name," Sinai asked looking up at her mom. "Ooo and how do I spell best friend?" She said.

"I'm your best friend?" Naala gushed,

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