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a/n I got the timeline mixed up last chapter, the flashback was 15 years ago not 17 !!

15 years ago ...

"Say ahhhh," Naala held the spoon up to Malia's mouth,

"Mmm" Malia pushed the spoon away from her, closing her mouth.

"Come on Phat, please," Naala sighed raising the spoon up again. "I'll give you candy?"

"She don't need to be eating any candy," Dave said from behind Naala,

"Yeah but she won't eat," Naala muttered looking back at him.

"Lemme try," He said kissing Naala's lips. She kissed back and moved to the side so he could get down in front of Malia.

"You want some of this Phat?" He showed her the spaghetti,

"Mmm," Malia groaned putting her head down.

"You think I should take her to the doctor? She's 2 and she doesn't say anything," Naala said nervously.

"Maybe she's a slow developer," Dave replied feeding her some of the food. "You worry too much," He added.

"Because she's not normal," Naala muttered, "Sinai was talking by 1, Saint too,"

"Don't compare them," Dave responded, he looked to her and rubbed her thigh, "Don't stress,"

"I'm pregnant," Naala blurted out, it felt good to get it off her chest.

Dave lifted the spoon up to Malia's mouth, before glancing at her.

"How far along?" He asked her calmly,

"I don't know I haven't checked," She mumbled, she didn't understand why that mattered.

"Is it mine?" Dave questioned placing the bowl down,

"Excuse me?" Naala drew her head back. "Are you still on this? I didn't sleep with him Amir,"

"So why was he so comfortable around you?" He turned to her.

"He's the gardener Amir, why would I have sex with him?" Naala said with a huff, "This is another way of you trying to manipulate me,"

"So you didn't have sex with him?" Dave asked her focusing back on Malia. "Let me feed you so your mama can tidy up," Dave said glancing at the messy kitchen.

"I'm not doing this with you," Naala said standing up, she left him with Malia and moved around the kitchen, cleaning up.

"All she do is sit around and spend my money," Dave said to Malia, feeding her at the same time.

"You try and look after two kids under 5," Naala said over her shoulder,

"My mama looked after me on her own," Dave responded with a chuckle. "She didn't have all the cars, all the help, you even got someone to take the trash out,"

"Stop trying to downplay what I do," Naala answered quietly, "I'm trying my best,"

Naala was doing a lot of her own, especially with Dave being out of the house often.

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