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Don't kill me - I beg xxx


"We are all gathered here to lay a beautiful soul to rest," The pastor said standing in front of Naala's white coffin.

"We've lost a huge person in our lives today. She left behind a lot of people who are probably asking God why?"

Maniya sniffed and looked away from her mom's coffin, it seemed like a dream. The past few weeks, Maniya has floated through life, stuck in her head. Trying to figure out a life without Naala.

Malik gripped her hand, rubbing it ever so often. She was grateful for him, for his support. He held her when she cried herself to sleep, he fed her when she was too sad to eat and he clothed her when her body gave up on her.

Malia sat next to Naleli, her head on her shoulder. She felt closer to Naala when she was with Naleli, she wished that she could go back in time and hold her mom, one last time.

Dave stared motionlessly at Naala's coffin, waiting for her to pop out and surprise him.

There was a hole, a big hole in his heart where she used to occupy. Stori wriggled in his lap, laying her head on his shoulder.

All he could think of was the fact that Stori will never know who her mom was, all she will know is that she existed.

The twins were sat beside him with Samar, all too young to process the huge loss.

Dave was now the rock for his family, for his daughters, for his son, for everybody.

"And now we'll hear from her daughters," The pastor spoke stepping to the side. Maniya cleared her throat and took Sinai's hand, both of them walking up to the pulpit.

"If you had told me six months ago that I would be stood here doing this, I would have spat in your face," Sinai started looking down at the piece of paper, she prepared her speech on.

"My mom was my superhero," Sinai mumbled biting her lip to keep the tears back. "She was my reason, my hope, my life,"

Her tears started to race down her face, causing her to wipe them rapidly. "A life without my mom isn't a life to me, it's hell," She whispered.

Maniya held her hand tightly, keeping her upright. "I think my sister is a bit overwhelmed," Maniya said as Sinai broke down, stepping away from the mic.

"It hurts to have to do this but I know my mom isn't in any pain anymore," Maniya continued to read out Sinai's speech.

"Mommy is finally free, from all the pain and I know she's smiling down at us. I know she would be proud of how we've come together as a family," Maniya said taking a breath,

"Mommy if you're here, we love you and we promise we'll take care of daddy for you. We'll never forget you mama," She whispered.

Maniya looked up to the sky, a way to stop her tears from coming out. Dave stood from his seat and went up to them, pulling them both into a bear hug.

"Why did she have to go?" Maniya sobbed loudly, she was feeling like shit for how she treated Naala, the last few weeks of her life.

"I don't know baby," Dave spoke lowly, rubbing their backs. Sinai stepped away and went back to her seat, staring ahead.

The funeral continued, there were many tributes from people who didn't know Naala like they claimed to.

Her dad spoke for 30 minutes, knowing that he hadn't seen her in over 10 years.

Naleli stood to her feet at the end of the service and pulled her dress down, fixing her sunglasses on her face.

"Do you think Lani will come?" Malia asked her aunt, clinging to her.

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