Chapter 67

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We all left Loki and Severus' dwelling. Young Harry went on ahead of us to get ready for the game. We then made our way to the Quidditch pitch. As we walked, the Warriors Three and Sif got a glimpse of the school of Hogwarts from the ghosts to the moving paintings. I was beaming with excitement to show my friends the wonders of this game, until Lady Sif spoke up.

"So what is so special about Loki's husband?"

I growled.

"Sif! Mind your manners! He is a worthy man and my brother-in-law!"

"I just want to know what he is up to. Don't you? What does his husband do that's so special?"

"They both have put in their time to protect Young Harry and the students of this school. Severus makes medicine for the school. If you have forgotten, they are preparing for a war."

Hogun actually was the one to speak up.

"A war? With the one after their...son?"


"The children are fighting in this war?"

I nodded.

"This school and his son are what that man wants to destroy. Loki will not let the children fight alone. He will not let his son fight alone. Loki is a devoted father and you know that. You ALL know that."

I gave Lady Sif a hard look. Hogun nodded and ended that conversation. Before we knew it, we made it to the Quidditch pitch and my mood brightened immediately.

"Now enough of the serious talk. We are here, Friends!"

I started to walk faster down the path.

"We must get good seats!"

Once we got our seats, I began to tell the others about the rules of the game. As I was explaining, I heard my name being called. One of the teachers of the school sat down a seat below us.

"Mister Thor. Professor Loki's brother. I'm I correct?"

"Yes. That is I."

"I am Professor McGonagal. I teach Charms and I am the Head of Gryffindor house. It is strange seeing you without Professor Loki."

"I did not want to bother my brothers on their day after wedding. Loki was kind enough to let my friends join me for this match. These are my friends Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, and Lady Sif."

"Ah, the wedding crashers. I remember you four."

My friends looked down ashamed as the woman gave my friends a knowing look. She then smiled.

"This is a big game for Mister Potter. I do not know if you or Professor Loki have heard, but there is a rumor going around that Harry will be captain of the team next year."

My eyes widened and I smiled.

"That is a wonderful rumor! I hope it is true. My brother will be very proud of Young Harry."

She laughed lightly.

"Which house are you all rooting for?"

"My nephew's house of course!"

I then turned to my friends.

"Young Harry is on the Gryffindor team and my brother Severus is the head of house for the Slytherian team."

Hogun spoke up.

"What house is Loki in?"

I was about to answer when I realized, I had no idea.

"I...I do not know."

The Professor McGonagal responded.

"Professor Loki did not attend Hogwarts as a student, so he never got sorted into a house."

"Maybe he would be from the Slytherian house like Severus. They are much alike."

She gave a small snort.

"Slytherian indeed. Professor Loki and Professor Snape are two peas in a pod. It amazes me how alike those two are. It is like they are made for each other. Soulmates maybe. I don't know if Professor Snape ever told you anything about his young school years, but I feel the two of them would have gave the pranksters of that time a run for their money."

"I have heard a little of his school years, but I feel my brother would have been too much for the school to handle.

"I don't doubt that at all."

The light conversation continued a little longer, before the teams were announced and on the field. I got to my feet and cheered loudly with the rest of the school. The game went on and it was a challenging game indeed. I had much to tell my brothers. The score was tied and it just so happened a storm was beginning just when the winged gold bug appeared. I could hear the cheers of my friends. I was glad they were enjoying the game as much as I was.

I watched Young Harry as he dodged, dived, and swooped around after the little gold pest of a ball. Lightning lit the sky and the wind blew strong, making the game harder to fly in. It was kind of suspicious. Being the thunder god, the storm seemed...forced. Once the wind became too strong, it was announced the game was to be resumed another day. Tree branches were flying around as we all made our way off the pitch. I was bummed and was about to complain to my friends that I could calm the storm when I heard Young Harry's name being called.

I began searching frantically for my nephew, when I spotted his two friends. I called out.

"Friends of Harry! Have you seen Young Harry?!"

They made their way through the crowd of students, towards us.

"We were just looking for him. We didn't see him leave the pitch."

I began to panic. Young Harry was no where in sight and the storm was raging. I needed to inform my brother. Lady Sif approached me.

"Thor, what is wrong?"

"I need to inform my brother. We have to find my nephew!"

The young lady stepped forward.

"Let me take care of that. Expecto Patronum!"

An otter made of a white light appeared in the air.

"Find Professor Loki! Harry's in danger!"

Suddenly the red-headed friend yelled out.

"Mione! Look!"

I looked to where the boy was pointing in the sky. In between the dark clouds, I could see dark creatures floating towards the forest trees. Volstagg yelled over the storm.

"What are those things?!"

"Dementors... they are not allowed on the grounds! This is bad! They are attracted to Harry!"

"I will take down these beasts that dare hurt my nephew!"

"They are dangerous! They can't be taken down by steel weapons!"

I frowned. I promised Loki. How will I be able to protect him if weapons will not work. The young lady held out her wand and magic-ed our weapons to actual size.

"Ron and I will go with you! Harry is our friend and we will help protect him!"

The two young friends held out their wands and looked at us determinedly.

"Magic is the only way to stop Dementers!"

I smiled. Young Harry has good friends. We all began heading towards the forest.

"Thank you! Let's go, Friends!"

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