Chapter 15

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It was finally Friday. The last day before the two days off. Even though I didn't show it, I was excited. I was excited for two reasons. I get to leave the castle and go into town and I get to be with Severus all day. I could not wait for this day to be over.

The day was going by pretty fast, until I got an unlikely visitor. A tall man with long blond hair and a regal appearance walked in. Oh this should be good... the man didn't even knock.

"Hello, my name is Lucius Malfoy. I am Draco Malfoy's father."

"Ah, yes young Mr. Malfoy is from Severus' house. I am Professor Loki. I'm the residing tutor."

"Yes. My son told me about you. I would like my son to be tutored in subjects that his grades are lacking in. But, I wanted to meet the tutor in person and make sure you are qualified to teach my son."

I raised an eyebrow. This guy has got to be kidding, right...

"Alright then. Have a seat, Mr. Malfoy."

"Thank you."

Once he sat down, I made myself comfortable as I thought of different ways to piss this guy off.

"Alright, shoot."

"Excuse me."

"What will you like to know?"

"Well, did you go to Hogwarts or another of the magical schools?"

"No. I wish I did though, the subjects here are impressive, well documented for different ages, and has a wonderful amount of history involved. Imstead, I was home schooled."

"How do you except to tutor the students, if you did not attend any of the schools."

"I have read every book in the Hogwart's library in two months and finished Severus's personal library in three weeks. I can tell you with great detail what page, what paragraph, and what line any information is on."

"So you are well rehearsed in the books, but do you even know magic?"

"I'm not required to teach or perform magic for the students, so that doesn't count as a factor in my job, but yes I do know magic."

"Can you prove it?"

"If you wish it."

I smirked and before Lucius could comment, his chair spun around three times before stopping with a jerking movement, facing me once again. With a flick of my finger the chair flew out of the office and into the hall. Then I magically slammed the door.

"If you have any common sense, Mr Malfoy, you will send your son to me with the subjects he needs tutoring in and you will get your ass out of my general area of work! If you ever barge into my office again, I will personally throw you into the lake!"

I didn't hear any sound on the other side of the door. Then the door opened. I was about to start yelling again when I noticed it was Severus. I smiled.

"Oh, hello Severus."

"Is everything ok in here? Mr Malfoy looked like he saw a ghost."

"Oh, nothing. Just a misunderstanding. Is it time for dinner?"

Severus just chuckled and shook his head.

After dinner, I began working on Severus' mark again. Like before, Severus was worried.

"I'll be fine Severus. Plus, it's the weekend, so we can sleep in."

Severus sighs.

"I guess...I just worry."

"I know..."

I leaned towards Severus and gave him a kiss on the lips, before unwrapping the bandage. Resting yesterday ended up being a good idea; I was able to remove a lot more of the mark then I thought. I still got really tired, but I'm proud to say all but the skull part of the mark is gone. I yawned.

"Do you mind if i stay the night again, Severus?"

"Not at all...I enjoy your company."

Severus gave me a kiss on the forehead, before leading me to the bedroom. Once we got under the covers, I snuggled up to Severus' side.


Severus turned to face me.

"Yes, Loki."

I didn't answer right away. I looked at Severus for a while, studying his face. This man has been there for me since the beginning.

"I think I'm falling for you, Severus. I've been falling for a while."

Severus smiled and wrapped his arm around me bringing me closer.

"We'll fall together."

My lips met his so fast that I'm not sure who started it. My breath hitched when I felt his tongue intertwine with mine. Once we broke the kiss, we both drifted off to sleep.

Falling (avengers x Harry Potter)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora