Chapter 48

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I sighed in defeat and smiled. I didn't like the idea of Severus going up against Odin, but I was truly out-numbered and Severus was sending a wave of calm confidence through our link.

"Alright. Alright. We will have a small secret ceremony, but it will be here and not in Asgard. I don't want all of Asgard to attack us at the wedding."

Mother hugged me.

"Thank you my son! It will only be us and the Malfoys as your guest from Asgard."

Thor nodded. That's when I realized how much Mother and Thor...even Odin...have played in on this secret. That's when I realized I could always rely on Mother and Thor; they've already done so much for me and my family. I smiled.

"Thor, that means you have to be my best man."

Thor beamed

"I will gladly be your best man, Brother!"

Severus smiled.

"And Harry can be my best man."

Harry grinned.

"Thank you Severus! This is going to be a great wedding!"

The next day Mother came to pick up Severus. I was beyond nervous. Severus gave me a kiss.

"Love, I'll be fine. Whether that man says yes or no, we will have a wedding."

Mother placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thor and I will be with him, my son."

"I know, but I can't help, but worry."

My mother smiled and smoothed out my hair like she did when I was a child.

"When you love something my son, you love that something or someone with all your heart. You have grown, so much. It saddens me that your fa- Odin can't see that."

"We will make sure Severus makes it back safely, Brother."

I nodded and Severus gave both Harry and I a hug before leaving. Harry and I made ourselves comfortable with a cup of hot chocolate each, as we waited for their return.

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