Chapter 58

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I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Neither did Severus. The skeleton man called six times.

"He's angry. He's looking for me."

I held Severus close. I was glad that I was able to remove the Dark Mark from Severus'. The pain and mark were gone, but Severus was still able to sense the calls. My worries heightened. What were we going to do?

"Severus. I'm worried."

"We will talk to the Headmaster in the morning."

"Severus,... it is morning."

Severus groaned tiredly.

"We should go see him quickly."

"No. You go to bed and try to get some rest. I'll go to his office and speak with him. I don't want anyone seeing you. Just in case."

Severus hesitated a moment before giving a tired nod.

"You are right. I will go lay down. Don't be long."

I placed a kiss to Severus' lips before I disappeared in a whirl of magic. I wasn't going to waste my time walking all the way to Dumbledore's office. I was worried. I was angry. I was ready to kill anyone who got in my way. I appeared in the middle of Dumbledore's office. The portraits adorning his office made an uproar at the fact that I had so easily appeared in the headmaster's office.

"Loki. What brings you here in such haste?"

I began to pace back and forth.

"That man called his Death Eaters. Called six times. Six! He's looking for Severus! Severus' life is in danger!"

Dumbledore frowned.

"We knew this would happen. Knowing who you are, Loki, I believe you have a plan."

"I...did have a plan, but..."

"But, the marriage came into play."

I nodded.

"My initial plan was to have him live in Asgard until it was safe, but, it's selfish, but I can't....I feel....I can't be separated from him. If he was in Asgard, I would probably go insane with worry and loneliness. Plus, he wouldn't allow himself to leave me here alone either."

Dumbledore sighed.

"Ah, love is a strong feeling, Loki. But what is your plan now?"

"Pretend he is really sick. The Death Eaters' children will report his illness to their parents which will lead to that man and he will likely figure the six calls made Severus' illness worse. Which gives us a couple weeks to think of a better plan."

"I will have Professor Slughorn return as the replacement potions professor. It will make Severus' "illness" seem worse then we thought. Giving us more time. Until I can get ahold of Slughorn, I will have different professors substitute, including you."

I frowned.

"I fear the wedding may have to be delayed as well. It is not safe right now."

"I am sorry, Loki."

"It's for the best, Sir. I will tell Severus the plan and I think it will be best to have Severus stay at our apartment, during this time."

"Alright, Loki. Go to Severus and do not worry about your classes today. I will cover them and inform Harry."

"Headmaster, there's no need-..."

"But Loki, you're fiancé is "sick." He needs you right now."

I gave a small tired smile before sending the portraits into one last uproar as I vanished from the office.

Once I was back, I peeked into the bedroom to see Severus was fast sleep. I silently closed the door and made my way to the sitting area. I slouched into the couch and stared blankly ahead. My head was full of turmoil. How I yearned to find this man of dark magic and give him a taste of my anger. I wanted to go off the find him and hunt him down, but I can't part with Severus. I can't even think about the worse that could happen to Severus.

I can't lose him! I can't!

I covered my face with my hands, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt myself ready to burst from this worry and he was only a room away from me. The silence in the room was heavy until the silence was broken by soft crying. I lifted my head from my hands and stood to go check on Severus, thinking it was him, whom was crying. That was when I noticed the warm trail of a fresh tear rolling down my check. I was crying.

Wrapping my arms around myself, the revelation hit me hard as I fell to me knees and continued to cry. My shoulders shook with the horror of ever loosing Severus. The horror of loosing Harry. The horror of loosing everyone and everything I cared about. I tried to stop crying, to be as silent as the silence around me, but I could not hold in my fears and my anger any longer. While in this emotional state, I had failed to realize another presence in the room until two large hands landed firmly on my shoulders, steadying them.

My cries halted and my posture stiffened. My words were soft.

"I can't lose him..."


"He's no longer safe here...."

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