Chapter 19

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The holiday break was going great. We decorated the apartment for Christmas with this big tree and a lot of colorful lights. Severus and Harry taught me how to cook and we all went ice skating.

On Christmas Eve, we recieved gifts from the Wealsey family. It was nice of them to give us gifts. Harry also received some from his other friends too making our tree more complete. We celebrated Christmas Eve by going out to dinner and then sitting by the fire with hot chocolate. At midnight, Severus and I said goodnight to Mister Potter and made our way to the bedroom for a good night's sleep. Mister Potter warned us he will be waking us up early because he doesn't think he will be able to sleep.

"Good night, Love."

"Good night, Severus. I'll see you bright and early."

Severus chuckled and kissed my lips before bringing me closer to him in an embrace. I snuggled into the warmth and fell asleep. Once light began shining through the window, Mister Potter woke us up.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas!"

Harry ran out of the room and down the hall. I frowned and snuggled closer to Severus.

" he gone?"

Harry bounded back in the room.

"Hurry! Wake up!"

"Nope. He's back."

I rolled my eyes.

"Haha, come on you two! It's Christmas!"

"Why is Christmas so loud?"

Slowly Severus and I made our way out of the comfortable and warm bed, making our way to the living room where the tree was. Harry was already there waiting excitedly. Severus and I sat down on the couch while Harry sat on the floor.

"Merry Christmas to the both of you!"

"Merry Christmas, Mister Potter and Loki."

"Merry Christmas. Now what happens?"

"We open gifts!"

Harry grabbed the gifts from under the tree and handed them out. Molly made all three of us scarfs. Harry got a red and blue scarf, Severus got a green and silver scarf, and I got a green and gold scarf. Harry got some nice gifts from his friends. Harry got us gifts too. He bought me a bunch of candy! I smirked at Severus and he smiled and shook his head. When Severus open his gift and it was more candy, he looked at me and glared.

"Hope you guys like it!"

I smirked.

"Oh...I will."

"And I will...guard mine with my life."

"I'd like to see you try, Severus."

Harry laughed as Severus hid his candy from me. Severus was then opening my gift. I was blushing...I knew it and I tried to hide it.

You're blushing.

I know that!

Once he opened it, his eyes widened.

"This is beauitful, Loki."

And yup...couldn't hide the blush anymore.

"Aww! He's blushing!"

"I am not!"

Severus chuckled and kiss my cheek.

"I like it a lot, Loki. I can feel your magic."

"It does three things. I made it into a healing and teleportation stone. It also enhances our mind communication at long distances."

"Amazing. Thank you."

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