Chapter 26

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The first week went by quickly. Mother had come at 8 a.m. every morning and left after dinner. Odin had stopped bothering Mother about visiting, but it seemed they haven't been speaking with each at all. Before we knew it, it was the weekend so Harry got a break from studying. We were spending time with Harry when we got an unexpected visit from Mother and Thor.

"Mother. Thor. What a pleasant surprise."

Thor gave a small grin.

"I hope we are not bothering you, Brother. Father is being stubborn and Mother needed to get away. I thought it best to leave Father to his thoughts."

"You are not bothering us at all, Thor."

"I'm glad I got to visit."

Thor studied everything in the sitting room, scanning the many shelves of books.

"Are all of these your books yours, Loki?"

"Actually they are all Severus' books, Thor."


Thor smiled.

"Glad Loki found someone who has the same interests as he."

I blushed and slapped my forehead as Severus chuckled and gave me a side hug. Mother smiled.

"Are you guys planning anything today?"

"We have not."

"Oh good, I thought this would be a great opportunity for some brother bonding."

My eyes widened and Thor's eyes brightened.

"Some brother what?!"

"I thought I could spend time with Harry and Severus while you and Thor have some bonding time."

Mother took my hand in her patting my hand.

"And that was not a suggestion, dear."

I frowned...of course it wasn't. Severus chuckled and jumped in.

"There is a Quidditch game starting soon. Ravenclaw verses Gryffiindor. Thor might enjoy that."

"That's right! Loki you have to go to root for my house!"

I mock glared at Harry.

"Please, Lok! Pleeeeease!"

I sighed dramatically.

"Finnnnne... but first, Thor you have to blend in."

Thor frowned in confusion. I pulled out my want and changed his outfit so he didn't draw, well...too much attention. I should know by now that where he goes he draws attention to himself...he must be a Gryffindor.

"Must you bring Mjolnir with you?"

"Yes...I always carry it. I must incase anyone is in need of my help."

Yep...definitely a Gryffindor. I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I pointed my wand at Mjoinir and shrunk it. Thor looked at it stunned.

"Put it in your robe pocket. Before you leave for home, I'll spell it back to normal."

Thor put Mjolnir in his pocket and I teleported the both of us outside the gates of Hogwarts. Hogwarts opened it's gates to us.

"Thor. Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"It's a huge school, Brother. There must be a lot of magic users here."

"Yes there are Thor."

I led Thor to the Quidditch pitch. I brought him to the Staff seats. We sat at in the very tops seats. As I was explaining the rules and positions of Quidditch, Dumbledore appeared joining us at the top seats.

"Headmaster, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, my boy. You is your guest?"

"This is my brother Thor. Severus and my mother thought we should have some...bonding time."

Dumbledore chuckled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Thor. Are you as knowledgeable in the art of magic as your brother?"

"No Sir. While my brother soars in the use of magic, I merely stay afloat. My little brother is much better at magic then I am."

I raised my eyebrow. Did Thor just complement me for my magic?!

"Yes, Loki is an exceptional wizard and is very well liked by the students."

Suddenly, I heard my name being called.

"Professor Loki! Professor!"

I down the staff seats to see, Miss Granger and Mr Wealsey running up to us. Miss Granger stopped catching her breathe.

"Professor Loki. If you don't mind, can you "owl" our letters to Harry. We miss him."

"I will Miss Granger. Oh, Miss Granger, Mr. Wealsey. I will like you to meet my older borther Thor."

Thor smiled and waved.


Ron waved awkwardly and Hermione gave a warm smile.

"Hello, Mr. Thor."

"Thor these are Harry's two best friends. They are both in the Gryffindor house."

"Are you rooting for Gryffindor, this game, Professor?"

"I did promise Harry I would."

"Good and make sure you tell Harry, we said "hello"."

"I will. Now get to your seats, you two."

"Yes, Sir!"

The two ran back down to where their house mates were sitting before the game started. Thor was fully amazed by the game of Quidditch from the beginning all the way to the end of the game. He commented on everything.

'Brother look how they fly on a cleaning tool! Brother, how I wish I could be in this game, maybe as a beater! Brother, how do we not have this game at home?'

Well, at least, we weren't in an awkward silence... the Gryffindor seeker in place of Harry caught the snitch and they won the game. Thor was the loudest one cheering. When we left the pitch and teleported back to the apartment. Thor told everyone all about the game. He was overly excited.

I sat down next to Severus. I smiled and shook my head at how animated Thor was when explaining the game to Mother. They stayed for dinner and Thor was introduced to the never ending food of Hogwarts.

Severus chuckled.

"And I thought Loki ate a lot..."

I smirked.

"One of the many contest, Thor easily wins."

Harry laughed as Mother chastised Thor for his barbarian eatting habits. I smiled realizing this was the happiest I have been in a long time with my family. It was nice. Once we finished dinner, Thor and Mother were getting ready to leave. While Thor was latching his 'back to normal size' Mjolnir on his belt. I approached my brother.

"Hey Thor, if you like, I can inform Mother each time there is a Quidditch match coming up and... we can go to the game... only if you want to, of course."

Suddenly I was engulfed in another bone breaking hug.

"I would love to, Brother! Does thy brother really want to spend time with me?"

"Of course, Thor. Why else would I ask?"

When they left, I fell onto the couch with a relieved sigh. That went well.

I'm glad it did.

I looked up to see Severus sitting down next to me. He wrapped his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder. It was a tiring day.

Your mother gave me something today.

I looked up at Severus curiously. What was it?

Severus reached under his shirt collar ad pulled out a gold chain with a blue gem connected to It. It was one of my mothers magical healing gems. I touched it and realized right away what Mother gave Severus.

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