Chapter 44

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It was time for the year to begin. The students will be arriving tomorrow and our first staff meeting was today. I was not looking forward to meeting this Umbridge person. From what Severus and Dumbledore told me, she was a dictator, she hated rule breakers, hated when there was no order, and was gunning for getting Dumbledore fired. In other words, she was a bitch and we were going to clash in a battle of wits. Severus warned me that Umbridge was the total opposite of me. While she enjoyed order and rules, I enjoyed chaos and rule breaking. It was going to be a long year. My goals this year were to protect my family and get Dumbledore to agree to throwing Umbridge into the forest or the lake before the school year ends.

Severus and I made it to the meeting room ten minutes for it began. We found Dumbledore and Minerva there talking stiffly to a woman dressed completely in pink from head to toe. I hated her already...

Dumbledore greeted us as we sat down.

"Ah, Professor Snape, Professor Loki, I would like you to meet Professor Umbridge."

She gave us the sweetest fake smile I ever saw. I would gag if I didn't have to be nice... We shook hands with her.

"Hello. I have heard great things about you, Professor Snape, but I have not heard anything about your friend."

"My name is Professor Loki, my lady, and I begun my job at Hogwarts last year; first as a tutor, then as the DADA professor."

She already annoyed me...that didn't last long.

"I see. Did you go to Hogwarts as a child?"

"No. I was home schooled by my mother."

"Humph. How were you able to tutor the students if you didn't study here?"

Before I could fire my answer, Dumbledore jumped in excitedly.

"It is a wonderful story, Dolores! We found Professor Loki outside the grounds. He was in need of medical attention with a broken neck, broke ribs, and bruising. He had extensive damage to his nerves in his neck making it hard to shallow and impossible to talk. He was in our care for many months. As he got better he was able to read and he enjoyed reading every Hogwarts textbook we have including the advanced works. He has a great memory and a great want to learn all he can. He had no home, so once he was well I gave him a job as a tutor here at Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts became my home. It's a miracle I survived the day they found me."

"How did you ever end up so badly injured."

Here goes a white lie. I shrugged.

"I don't have any memory of it. All I remember is waking up in the Medical Wing. I thought I would never leave that place and I couldn't talk for so long."

"That sounds terrible!"

Soon the other staff members arrived. So far so good, she believed the full story. I still don't like her though. The staff meeting was extremely intense. Umbridge wanted to change the whole system of teaching. It got worse when she brought up my subject.

"We should not let the students use their wands in school. It's not safe and the Ministry agrees. We should teach them using a textbook instead. No wands needed."

I leaned forward.

"What? I will not be changing the way DADA is thought. How else will he students learn if they don't learn by example?"

"Are you willing to endanger the students in your classroom?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I rather they learn and get hurt here where there is a Medical Wing compared to out there, in the real world. Are you willing to endanger the students out in the Ministry's world, Dolores?"

Umbridge huffed up in anger and embarrassment, unable to think of a good come back. I thought I won this battle until Dumbledore butted in.

"Due to not having an open class needing a professor, Umbridge will be co-teaching with a professor?"

"And I choose DADA."

She then stood up giving me a fake smile.

"I look forward to working with you, Professor Loki."

As she left the room, Severus had to push me back down in my seat. I wanted to kill the bitch.

Calm down, Loki.

I took deep angry breathes.

"Are you alright, my boy?"

I looked to Dumbledore and stood up. I had to prepare my shared classroom.

"She makes one wrong move, Headmaster...and your find her swimming in the lake." I left the room swiftly. I made it to my classroom in time to see Umbridge unpacking those textbooks, luckily Severus caught up with me in the hall because my first idea was to throw her out the window."

"Ah, Professor Loki! There you are. Oh, Professor Snape, don't you have a classroom to prepare."

"I finished preparing last night. I came to help Professor Loki."

"That's very kind of you. Maybe you can help us plan class work."

I butted in on her cheery fake mood.

"No need. I have already decided. Wednesdays and Fridays will be your days of teaching. You will teach from the text book on Wednesdays. On the days I teach, you will keep notes of what the students are learning, On Friday you will have tests made for each class once I have reviewed your notes. Understood."

"Excuse me, Professor Loki, but this should be decided equally between us! They should be learning from the text books!"

"Excuse me, Professor Umbridge, but this is my classroom, not yours, you are under my watch. Plus since you want more textbook work, I figured you would want to do all the paperwork."

I smirked.

"I believe we are done here. You office will be outside this classroom. The first door on the left. I would get settled in if I were you. Enjoy your stay here at Hogwarts."

She stood stunned in anger, as I left with Severus. As we turned the corner, Severus chuckled.

"I think you handled that quite well. I expected an all out duel when you stormed out of the meeting room."

I laughed.

"I did too."

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