Chapter 54

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It was Monday and another week of school was beginning. Dumbledore came to walk with us to the Great Hall. On the way, he introduced Odin to each and every portrait from the dungeons to the Great Hall. We entered the hall and made our way to the staff table. Dumbledore had me introduce Odin to everyone, excluding Umbridge, whom kept to herself at the far end of the staff table. While we waited for the students to finish filling in, I caught most of Dumbledore's and Odin's one-sided conversation. Dumbledore told him about the four houses and their history. I sighed.

Don't worry, Loki. Albus can talk for ages about Hogwarts.

I've noticed. Suddenly I heard Odin speak up.

"What house is Loki in?"

"Well, Professor Loki did not go to school here, so he was never placed in a house, but I believe we have discovered he possesses many traits of Severus's house, Slytherin. Professor Loki has determination and the drive to protect his family and to teach his students to be the best they can be. He's pretty clever too and as I've always said for most Slytherin students... he has a certain disregard for the you might have noticed yourself."

"Hmmm...yes I have...ever since he was a boy."

"He would have been an extremely smart student, if he came here for his studies."

"If you could control him. He and his brother were rather fond of chasing away their tutors."

Dumbledore chuckled.

I sighed again. Grrrrreat. Now I have to worry about embarrassing childhood stories.

That's what parents do, Loki.

Severus patted my leg and leaned in to speak in my ear.

"Speaking of embarrassing topics, we should start thinking of wedding preparations."

I blushed slightly. Severus chuckled.

I have started to miss your blush, Loki.

He gave me a quick kiss behind my ear andddd I blushed some more. Everyone was out to embarrass me today.

We do need to go over weeding plans. It's secret, but I except your mother would like some effort put into it.

True. Mother would want decorations, flowers, fancy outfits, a nice setting...We shall discuss with Mother. She will be excited to help plan.

Sounds like a good plan. You know she wants Odin to give you to me.

I whipped my head around to Severus. WHAT?!

Severus gave a small smirk.

I AM NOT A GIRL! I don't need to be handed off like some delicate flower.

I think it's more of her wanting Odin to be involved.

But now everyone will think I'm the girl in the relationship!

Severus raised an eyebrow. It was then I realized what I just said...

Not. One. Word. Severus.

Severus chuckled and whispered in my ear.

"You will forget your worries once it's our wedding night. We may not be able to have our honeymoon yet, but I will make our wedding night worth it."

I blushed at his words. Great, know I'm going to be wondering what he means all damn week. Damn you, Severus.

You're welcome. Now eat up. We have classes.

I mock glared at Severus as he ate his breakfast.

The day began...very smoothly. Umbridge seemed scared to upset me today and did what she was told without complaining. I saw Odin rarely. Between classes, I would see Dumbledore introducing Odin to other professors. Then of course gossip caught up to me and I found out Dumbledore was sitting in on some classes with Odin. I was a nervous reck by noon. There is no way I could get by this whole week without Odin sitting in on at least one of them. There weren't enough subjects in this school to get away from this. I sighed in defeat as I sat down for lunch.

It was not that bad, Loki.

"He sat in on your class already?"

"Yes, and like I said, it was not that bad. He did not say anything. He just watched."

"It will be more like he's judging me."

I sighed again.

"Is this week over yet?"

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