Chapter 47

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The first week of classes ended on a good note. There were no problems from Black and Umbridge had been quite silent for the rest of the week. I could tell she was watching me closely, but she still did what I told her to do. Textbook Wednesday was a snore-fest of students reading out-loud, but Friday went well. Umbridge took good notes for the tests and the students' grades weren't bad. Once the grading was done, I told Umbridge "well-done" for her first week and we left the classroom in good spirits. Maybe her presence wouldn't be too bad...for now.

First day of our weekend and Mother and Thor literally jumped at the chance to visit. I know what Thor wanted to do, but there were no games yet...but there was a Gryffindor practice.

"Thor, Mother, would you like to come watch Harry at practice?"

Thor beamed.

"We would be glad to, Brother!"

"Then maybe we could all visit Hogsmeade together for lunch."

Severus smiled.

"Sounds good to me."

"I would love to, my sons."

Once we made it to Harry's practice at the pitch, Thor went straight to telling Mother what the positions were, what they did, and the rules of the game. I shook my head and smiled. Maybe, one day, I'll treat Thor to a professional match. He will love that and you will never hear the end of it.

I cringed. You're right Severus.

Severus laughed and wrapped me in a side hug.

Once the practice ended, we watched Harry run up to us smiling.

"Uncle Thor, Grandmother, what are you doing here?"

"Loki and Severus invited us to watch your practice and then out to lunch."

"Sounds great!"

Once Harry got changed, we made our way to town and sat down to lunch at The Three Broomsticks. We were having a great meal and we actually looked like a real happy family. I smiled happily as I felt Severus agree with my thought. Then something unexpected happened.

"When will you two get married?"

I choked down my food and looked at my Mother in shock.


"Oh Loki, I didn't stutter. When will you get married? I want to celebrate my baby's wedding."

I blushed.


I heard Thor chuckling and I pointed at him.

"What about Thor?! He's older?!"

Thor's jaw dropped.

"Wha-? I...what?"

Harry smiled, amused, but also interested in the conversation. I sighed inwardly when Severus calmly spoke up.

"We've never really discussed it. We became accustomed to each other, so easily, we didn't even realize."

Mother smiled brightly and cooed.

"You two are perfect for each other!"

"If we were to celebrate a wedding, it will likely be after the war is over."

Mother frowned.

"That could be forever. At least have a wedding in Asgard."

"Mother...Odin won't let that happen."

"I agree Mother. Father will likely be angry."

"He'll have to say yes, if he ever wants me to forgive him."

I sighed and give mother a sad smile.

"I think I've damaged your marriage to Odin enough as it is Mother. I don't like seeing you unhappy."

Mother looked at me surprised.

"Oh no, my son, that's not your fault! We just see things differently."

I gave her a disbelieving look.

"It is, Mother."

"I can at least mention it to Odin. Please, my son."

I sighed and looked to Severus.

"Maybe, I should go with your mother to talk to him."

My eyes widened.


"I want to see how he sees you as a son, Loki. If he will not agree, at least for your mother's wish, we can have a small secret wedding with Dumbledore and the Order. Once the war is over, we can have a big wedding and a honeymoon."

Out of the corner of my eye, i could see Mother trying to reel in her excitement. Harry was smiling and nodding in agreement, and Thor was holding his breath, literally, waiting for my answer.

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