Chapter 32

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Mother had decided to stay behind, just incase Odin changed his mind. I teleported the rest of us to the cave Fenrir was caged in. The cave, itself, was as tall as a mountain. We only stepped into the entrance when we heard a low growl. Harry tugged on my robe sleeve.

"So Loki, exactly how large is Fenrir?"

I chuckled.

"He barely fits in the entrance of this cave."


We silently walked forward as the growling continued. As we came into view of Fenrir. Fenrir's growls turned into whining and suddenly we were thrown off our feet by a gust of wind. I began laughing.

"What just happened?"

Suddenly another gust of wind and another. I laughed again.

"Fenrir, I know you're happy to see me, but you must stop the tail wagging or I will not be able to get near you, my son."

Harry smiled.

"He's happy to see you!"

We approached Fenrir again. I walked ahead of everyone, wrapping my arms around as much of Fenrir's snort as I could. I began to cry.

"I missed you, Fenrir."

"I missed you too, Father...You were given permission to see me?"

"We are here to free you and bring you to a better home. Along with your brother, Jo."

Fenrir's ears perked up.

"Really? Where?!"

"You both will be brought to where I work. There is a forest there for you and a lake for Jo. You both will have to be spelled to a smaller size though, to fit comfortably."

"How did you get the Allfather to agree?"

"We all came here to convince Odin to let me take you home."

"These others...they helped?"

Fenrir gave a loud sniff at Severus and Harry.

"Both of you are close with my Father. One is his mate."

Severus blushed slightly and nodded at Fenrir.

"My name is Severus Snape and this is Harry Potter, our adopted son."

"It's nice to meet you Fenrir. I'm excited to know I have big brothers now. I never had a sibling before."

Harry smiled. Fenrir bumped the both of them with his nose. I sighed with relief, knowing that Fenrir found their words truthful. He then turned to Lupin and Thor and growled lightly. Thor looked down in shame, as Lupin spoke up.

"Hello, Fenrir. I am Remus Lupin, I am a friend from where Loki and Severus work. I understand if you don't trust me. I am a werewolf."

"You smell different, but your words are true. Where do you work, Father?"

"At a school for magic users. We are in need of your help. It's part of why Odin let us take you home with me. A dark magic user is after your brother, Harry. He wants to kill him for something Harry has no control over and he is going to start a war. He has an army already building and we have no defense strong enough to protect the students and Harry."

"I will protect my little brother from the forest...and not harm the students. I will not let you down or let that man hurt my new family."

"Thank you, Fenrir."

I casted the spell to unlock the chains and ropes holding Fenrir down. He stood and stretched. I then casted the spell to shrink his size. He was now small enough that I could hug his neck and my arms reached almost half way around his neck.

"Will I have to stay this small?"

"No, the spell will activate and inactivate on your command."

Harry then stepped forward.

"Can I touch your fur, Fenrir?"

"Sure, little brother."

Harry ran his fingers through Fenrir's fur and smiled. The two were getting along great. Harry, not long, ended up riding Fenrir on our way out of the forest. Poor Severus had to answer all of Fenrir's questions from 'When did you and father meet?' to 'Have you been treating my father well?' Fenrir also began to warm up to Lupin as he learned more about werewolves. It was a good start.

We started heading for the sea Jo was sentenced to live in. I fell behind the group to the one member trailing behind.

"Are you alright, Thor?"

"I am fine, Brother..."

"You can try talking to him."

"I feel he will just hate me. Just like Jo will...I didn't want your children to be separated from you. Fenrir was such a smart pup, when he was little. A mischief, like you, but also just as smart. And Jo, he completely inherited your silver-tongue. Hela was a sweetheart...Sleipner won't even speak to me. I have tried."

I smiled sadly.

"It may take time,...but you got to start somewhere."

"I know. It's just hard...thank you, Brother."

I squeezed Thor's shoulder.

"You're welcome, Thor."

Thor smiled, more at ease.

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