Chapter 36

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The next day, I woke up warm and content in Severus's arms. After the past few days, I was ready to sleep the whole day.

You is a Monday, Loki."

Annnnnd then Severus had to ruin my morning. Uuugggggh.

You're welcome.

I could feel Severus smirk as he kissed my head and got up to head to the shower. I tried to bury myself under the covers and go back to sleep. As I began to drift off, the bedroom door was slammed open and...


You have got to be kidding me! I pulled the covers over my head.

"Thooor...what the hell are you doing here?"

"Father seems to be in a bad mood, so Mother let me come today to help teach Harry!"

"He's always in a bad mood...and knocking would have been appreciated!"

"Sorry, Brother...but Mother really wanted to see you! Why are you still in bed?!"

Severus stepped out of the bathroom clean, dressed, and ready for the day.

"He's not...suitably dressed to get out of bed, especially in your presence, Thor."

Thor frowned.

"I do not understand."


Suddenly it dawned on him that I was not wearing any clothes.

"Oh...ahhhh sorry, Brother, Severus, I'll let you two get ready."

Thor left quickly. I ran my hands downs my face in embarrassment.

"Gods! I can be in a completely different universe and my brother still manages to embarrass me."

Severus chuckled. It was going to be a long day... By the time, I got ready and made it to the sitting area. Thor was already telling an animated story about one of his adventures with his friends. I shook my head, even after a hard couple of days, Thor could still smile like nothing was amiss. And that smile was contagious. I did really miss my brother.

After breakfast with everyone, Severus and I left for another day of classes. Everything went smoothly until my class with Harry's friends. Draco didn't show up. Also his two friends were also not present. I felt something was wrong. I worried that Draco's father found out about what he did to help us find Harry. Once class ended, I approached Harry's two friends.

"Miss Granger, has Mister Malfoy been present in any of your other classes?"

"No Sir. I don't think he was at breakfast or lunch either."

I hurriedly gathered my things.

"Thank you, Miss Granger."

I hurried out the door. I had to inform Severus. Miss Granger followed, with Mister Wealsey right behind.

"What's going on Professor?"

"Nothing that concerns you two. Now run along to class."

Then Mister Wealsey spoke up.

"Does this have to do with Harry being taken by...Sirius?"

I turned on Mister Wealsey in surprise.

"How do you know this information?"

"Fred and George somehow found out...they told me it was 'hush, hush', but Harry is my best mate."

"WAIT WHAT?! What happened to Harry?!"

I took ahold of Miss Granger's shoulders.

"Quiet. You know no one is suppose to know of Harry's whereabouts."


I sighed and pulled the two aside.

"Harry was taken out of the apartment by Black and captured by the Death Eaters. You-Know-Who is back and now it is even more unsafe for Harry and the school."

"That's why you brought your sons here."

"Yes, for protection and what is to come...Draco found out where they had Harry and came to Severus and my rooms to inform us. I fear his father or the other Death Eaters found out. I need to get to Severus and find Draco."

"We can help."

"No, it may be unsafe and-"

Suddenly, I heard a howl...


I left the two students in the hall and ran out to the forest. As I got closer, I could hear Fenrir growling and others talking.

"What the...the bloody that?!"

"Just leave the traitor here! RUN!"

Suddenly, two students ran right into me. It was Draco's friends. I picked them up by the collars.

"Well, well, well. Look what I found. Where's Mister Malfoy?"

They glared and didn't answer.

"Where IS Mister Malfoy?!"

They still didn't answer.


I lifted the both of them in the air.


"He's...He's in the forest...!"

I dropped the both of them on the ground. They both tried to run off, but found their feet turned to stone.

"I'm not done with you two yet. The Headmaster and your Head of House have been informed of your whereabouts and you will be picked up shortly."

I made my way into the forest.

"Fenrir. Fenrir! What happened?"

Fenrir was lying next to a small body that laid limp on the ground.

"I found two others casting spells on the poor boy. He was screaming."

I came closer to find Draco had been beaten as well tortured with curses...I can only hope it wasn't a forbidden curse...He had a black eye, a cut on his forehead, and a broken nose. All things I was able to heal before Dumbledore, Severus, and Hagrid appeared to help me get Draco to Madam Poppy.

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