Chapter 49

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Severus POV)

It was not long before the three of us arrived to the throne room. I would not lie that facing this man was nerve-racking, but I have faced Voldemort many times and survived. I believe a little "In-law" bonding would not be that bad. My main reason for speaking with Loki's father was the fact that I wanted to make sure this man thought of Loki as his son, as a father should, and not some "freak" to brush aside like my so-called father did.

I was disturbed from my musings when Loki's mother guided me into the throne room. I walked in with my usual prideful, intimating walk and presence. I looked forward and locked onto Odin's figure sitting in his throne. When I approached, I gave a small bow in respect and waited for Queen Frigga to introduce me.

"Odin, you remember Severus, Loki's partner."

"I do."

"He has come for an audience from you."

"Why are you here Snape-son?"

"I have come here for a personal reason as well as for a wish from the queen."

Odin shifted to glance at Frigga, whom gave Odin a proud daring smile. Odin's attention shifted back to me.

"What is Loki to you, All-Father?"

Odin studied me for a moment.

"He is my son, but you should know that by now."

"But, what is Loki to you? The word "son" is nothing but a title that could describe any man in the world. What is Loki to you, Sir?"

"What is it you want me to say, Snape-son?"

"Do you want to know what my father was to me?"

I took a deep breath. I knew this was going to be an emotional talk, but am I ready for this? That is the question...

"Excuse my language, but my father was a bloody abusive alcoholic son of a bitch. This is how I saw him. You want to know what I was to him? A freak! A weak freakish punching bag who he believed he wasted his money buying food on, if I even got a scrap of food that week! He spent it all on alcohol! He beat my mother for being a witch and beat me for being a wizard too, whether I was his fucking son or not! His stupid drunk ass killed my mother... and once he killed her, did he realize how bad of a husband he was and then killed himself. Did he think of how it would affect me when I got the news in school?... No! Because he didn't give a shit about the freak growing up in his house!"

I took another deep breath.

"So I ask you again, Allfather, and I want a proper answer. What is your son to you?"

It was silent. I noticed Loki's mother wiping her eyes and Thor's troubled expression, but when I looked at Odin, his face was blank as usual. He stood from his chair and descending the steps to my level.

"Snape-son. If you think I would ever be compared to such a horrid mortal as you father..."

No offensive taken...

" are highly mistaken. Loki may be adopted and he may have done wrong in the past, but he is still my son; as much as a son as Thor is to me. We fight and argue with each other...we always have...but I will not disown him for who he is. He may not see it, you may not see, but I will always love my son, even if it doesn't seem like it."

Odin moved closer to me. I did not falter.

"But, now I ask you, what is Loki to you?"

I smiled.

"I may have been the one who saved him from his wounds in the beginning, but he is my savior. I...I was in a very dark place when my mother was killed; I had no one to guide me; I was vulnerable. The darker wizards saw this and convinced me to work for them, promising power and a better life. I was falling deeper into the darkness. Then Loki came around and without him realizing it, he took my hand and led me away from that darkness. He saved me more then he thinks... I love him, Sir."

Odin nods his head and turned around to head back to the throne.

"Sir, I still have one more question."

Odin silently turned to address me.

"May I have your son's hand in marriage?"

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