Chapter 59

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Silence fell again and I continued to cry; repeating the same words over and over.

"I can't lose him."

It wasn't until I was able to compose myself that the hands released my shoulders and stepped away. I stood.

"It looks like you will be returning to Asgard early, All-Father. The wedding will be off. Severus is not safe here at the present time. The Dark Man is now looking for him. Severus will be staying at our apartment, away from anyone seeing him."

I turned and left the sitting room, making my way to the kitchen to make some tea. Severus will be up soon.

Once Severus awoke, he made his way to the kitchen.

"How long have you been back?"

"Not long."

"You're loosing your touch, Loki."

I sighed.

"With everything going on there is a lot on my mind..."

Severus wrapped his arms around me, resting his head against mine.

"What did the headmaster say?"

"We made a plan. We will be pretending you a gravely ill. Dumbledore will even be bringing another potions professor named Slughorn to teach your classes. You are to stay at the apartment for now...the wedding is off as well. It's too unsafe here."

"Sounds like a good plan. Can I not just stay here with you?"

"No. It's safer at the apartment. No one will see or hear you. Plus, it's not like you are in Asgard. I can easily visit you."

I gave a small reassuring smile.

"Alright. Where is Odin?"

"I sent him back to Asgard. I asked him to inform Mother and Thor of the news. I expect a visit soon."

It wasn't long before Mother and Thor appeared through the fireplace. Mother came rushing over.

"Loki, Severus, are you both alright?!"

She gave us both hugs.

"I was worried when Odin came back and told me."

"We are fine, Mother. We have a plan to keep Severus safe."

I looked to the floor.

"I'm sorry about the wedding, Mother."

"Oh nonsense, my son. We will still have the wedding."

"What?! But Mother it's too dangerous here!"

Mother smiled.

"Odin is letting us have the wedding in the throne room."

I stared in utter disbelief. I couldn't believe what she said, but I knew for certain, it was not a lie. Thor's boisterous laugh, brought me back to the present.


"My son, you will be getting married in Asgard this weekend. Saturday to be exact. I am almost done with preparations."

I was still slightly in shock.

"But Asgard..."

"No worries, Brother! Father and I will make sure no one enters the throne room during the wedding celebration."

I still couldn't believe it. Why would Odin let us have the wedding in Asgard? Will it truly be safe?

Love, breathe.

I took a deep breathe.

"We will inform Harry and Dumbledore. Um...Tell the All-Father thank you, Mother."

"You can tell him yourself at the wedding."

She gave me a "and that's an order" smile. I literally deflated and sighed. Mother clapped her hands together happily.

"I'm so glad my family bonding idea worked!"

"Um...yeah went well..."

Mother frowned disapprovingly.

"Loki, don't lie to your mother!"

Severus smirked.

"I told you. You're loosing your touch."

Thor laughed.

"I never thought I would see the day, Brother!"

I gave a defeated laugh.

"Both of you. Shut up."

We laughed and talked about the wedding a little more, before moving our conversation to the apartment. We invited Mother and Thor to stay for lunch. Of course, Mother went back to Asgard to make Odin come to lunch too. He was grumpy about it, but Mother was still able to drag him to lunch.

"Oh hush, Odin. Asgard will be fine on it's own for a few hours."

This was the weirdest family lunch ever. Severus had yet to have a family meal with both Odin and Mother before. There was a lot of bickering before Odin relented and chose to be silent. Mother then decided it was wedding talk time. She talked about the flower arrangements she chose. She described our wedding the decorations are going to go. Where the tables for the reception will be placed. Annnnd how excited she was that little Frigga will be in the wedding. Like I said...the WEIRDEST family lunch ever!

"This wedding will be beautiful! I can't wait for your bigger wedding celebration. That will be grand! It's too exciting. And it's in less then three days! Are you two nervous?"

Three days! THREE DAYS! I blushed slightly.

"I wasn't until you asked..."

Mother giggled.

"Awwwwww, my boy is getting married!"

My checks were defiantly getting redder. Thor snickered which was followed by a yelp of pain as I retailed by kicking his shin. Mother shook her head.

"Severus, my son, welcome to the family."

Severus smiled fondly.

"It's more then I could have hoped for."

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