Chapter 40

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okay wow... 40 chapters?? I thought I would have gotten bored by now to be honest! Let me know if anyone's still reading this

Before the sun rose, I woke up and got ready for the day. I had a lot of work to do. Giving a kiss to Severus's forehead, I made my way into the dark quiet hallway. As I walked through the halls to the grounds, I began a whispered enchantment that gathered dark clouds in the sky. I made my way to Jo and gave him the details of the prank. He was happy to help. Once I was back inside, the first bolt of lightening appeared which went Thor and Mother were already here.

The rain storm went on all morning. The students were pretty down due to the storm...i guess also because practice was cancelled for all teams dues to lightening. The morning was pretty uneventful and I had to keep myself from getting too excited as the afternoon approached. I spelled the wind to pick up gradually before becoming quite dangerous. That was the sign for Jo to begin the waves for the flooding.

By the time lunch was completely over the flooding began in the dungeons. How did I know for sure....

"Water in the dungeons! Water in the dungeons!"

Flinch went limping wildly down the halls with a mop.

The lightening hitting the house tower was the last step. Thor had to make sure no student was present when the lightening stuck. Once that happened, Dumbledore called a early dinner and informed the students that Hogswarts needed to be repaired due to the damage and they were to be sent home.

"I am sorry for the sudden announcement, but due to the damage in two out of four houses, we must send you all home for repairs. Please feel free to study on your own for next year, everyone."

There was an uproar of gossip in the Great Hall but by nightfall the students were sent to the train station. I smiled triumphantly. I actually made a prank that didn't end up getting me in any trouble. How wonderful!

You know the headmaster is going to make sure you help on the school's barrier to make sure that doesn't ever happen again.

Why? Why Severus?! Why must you always ruin my moments!

Severus gave me a hug from behind.

It's my job.

I rolled my eyes, as Dumbledore approached us.

"Well done, my boy! Your magic is quite impressive and would by a great addition to Hogswart's protection for her students."

He smiled and I gave the biggest fake grin I have ever made. The headmaster just nodded a good day and walked away. I frowned. Sometimes I hate when your right.

A perk to my job.

The Order met with us in the Great Hall the next day and chose which students would be notified for "summer school". We waited a week before we started sending the owls out with the letters. During that week we all worked on strengthening the barrier with Harry's newly learned skills and Mother's help as well. Speaking of Harry and his teachings. Just the other day, he came running into the kitchen with his wand floating in the air above him.

"I did it! I did wandless magic!"

I smiled.

"That's wandless alright."

Severus chuckled and shook his head.

"There's no need for puns, Loki."

"Yes there was because you were thinking it too!"

Harry smiled happily and ran off to practice more. Since then, his focus on wandless magic has become stronger and we are all so proud of him.

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