Chapter 8

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Now the challenge I had to face was walking. Just standing was difficult. I had Severus on one side, supporting me, and Madam Pomfrey on another.

How embarrassing...

You know I could just let go.

I glared at Severus. That's cruel.

You don't think I can be cruel.

I didn't say that. From the stories Potter tells me, you are quite a strict professor.

And what's so bad about that.

Nothing,'s admirable.

I saw Severus' eyes widened in slight shock.

Thor and I had many different teachers because none could control us when we decided to cause mischief.

How did you learn anything?

I chuckled inwardly.

Mother took over our teachings...

Severus smirked and shook his head. Then Madam Pomfrey spoke up, interrupting our conversation.

"I think we should exercise your legs before you head to your new home."

"SIt down for a while, Loki. We'll take our time to your room and take breaks. You will need to rest a bit before dinner."

I sat on the bed with a huff as Madam Pomfrey helped me excerise my legs. They felt heavy and weak. I frowned.

"This is going to take forever."

"You waited this long. I think you have the patience to make a slow walk to you room."

"I started to think I was going to be in this bed forever."

"Oh dear, that would be dreadful."

Madam Pomfrey patted my leg.

"It wasn't to bad after a while. I had good company."

I smiled a thankful smile.

"I'm so use to you two and even Mister Potter that Im kind of nervous to meet others."

"Don't worry...Severus and I will be there and Harry is in the crowd of students.

"Thank you...I think."

Suddenly, I felt a large hand rub small light circles on my back. It felt soothing.

Are you alright?

I don't know. I'm not acting like myself. I never cared what others thought. I...I guess I just think they won't see me for who I am, but just see a everyone at home.

You are no monster here. You are man with great knowledge of magic. That is an admirable trait here.

I smiled and started to stand again, gaining confidence.

"Well, let us try again."

It took a long time. A long long LONG time. Ok, Severus said it was only a 45- 50 minute walk, but for me, it was grueling. Everyone at home would likely be laughing their asses off right now, at my weakness. Luckily, all the students were in class, so we didn't run into anyone...which reminds me...

"Severus, don't you have a class to teach?"

Severus helped me onto my new couch as I inspected my home...Home...yes, I like the idea of it.

" I took the day off to help Poppy with you. "

"Oh. Well, thank you for taking off class time to help me, Severus."

Severus gave a loud sigh and cocked his head at me.


"Why do you keep thanking me? Hearing you voice and having you out of the medical wing is thanks enough."

"You saved my life, Severus. I couldn't thank you enough. Your potions worked wonders."

"And to think, I may have never met you if you did not refuse to take my potions."

I smirked and began to chuckle lightly.

" I would have gone insane."

"Truly. Would you like to get some rest before dinner? I will come get you to help you there."

"I was tired, but when Severus made a move to get up. I grabbed his wrist. I shook my head.

"No. You can stay here."

Severus sat back down on the couch, but I didn't let go of his wirst. I closed my eyes and we sat in silence.

"So, what are they serving for dinner?"

I heard Severus lightly chuckle.

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