Chapter 42

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I heard a low growl as a shop worker collared Black and gave the leash to me. I walked with a triumphant step as we walked back to the apartment. Once home, Thor and his perfect gift took their leave with Mother, knowing that it was going to get heated very soon. Harry was still at Hogwarts with Severus, so I had time to think of the best punishment for Black.

I turned to Black.

"Return to your human form Black, so I can address you properly."

Black turned into his human form.

"Where's Har..."

Before Black could finish his question I had grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the door frame.


Black struggled trying to pry my hand away from his neck.

"I believe I made you a promise last time we met...and I plan to keep it."

Suddenly, the floo network came alive and Severus stepped through. I didn't realize I was sending waves of anger through the mind link.

"Loki is everything...?!...Black!"

"Welcome home, Severus. I bought a mutt at the pet store."

Severus raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think Frigga will like the company of a mutt in the apartment."

"I don't either...but I know a great place for him."

I smirked and tightened my grip on his neck. I felt Severus place a hand on my shoulder.

"I will call Dumbledore and the Order first."

Once the Order arrived, Mad Eye immediately took Black's wand and bound his hands. Remus approached him.

"How could you Sirius?! How could you put Harry in danger like that?! What were you thinking?!"

Black looked at Remus shocked and angry.

"Who's side are you on Remus?! You're siding with that snake?!"

"That snake you are referring to just happens to be Harry's parent, Sirius. Also we should be asking you what side you are on!"

Mad Eye growled.

"That's right Black! You personally led Harry right to the Death Eaters and now You-Know-Who is back!"

"How dare you think I am working for those Snakes!"

Severus raised an eyebrow.

"So in other were just being stupid."

"I am not stupid, Snivellus!"


I punched Sirius hard in the jaw.

"I told you to stop calling him that, Black. You. Are. Such. A. Child!"

Sirius held his jaw as he glared at me.

"I have thought of the perfect punishment for you, Black."

Dumbledore addressed me.

"And what would that be, my boy."

"Since he is a child he will be punished like a student at Hogwarts. He will be sent to work in the Forbidden Forest, but with a twist...the punishment will last for as long as I see fit and you will live in the forest as the mutt you are."


Mad Eye smirked.

"I think the punishment is suitable."

"And the Snake calls me deranged!"

I smirked.

"I would say "You could have fooled me", but you can't fool me, Black."

After the meeting, I spelled Black back into his dog form and he quickly found out he could not change back into a human. I'm sad to say I was nice enough to give the mutt the ability to talk.

"I hate you! I really REALLY hate you!"

"You've said that already..."

After a long walk of "I hate yous" and "I'll get you for this", we made it to the forest.

"Why aren't we going to Hagrid's hut?"

"Hagrid will not be your supervisor for your punishment."

"Then who is?"

Suddenly a loud howl was heard and something big and fast was heard coming toward us.

"My son will be your supervisor."


Suddenly Fenrir appeared in front of us.

"Hello, Fenrir."

Fenrir bumped his nose against me.


I heard Black whimper as he put his tail in-between his legs.

"Fenrir, I will like you to meet the man who got Harry in danger. Meet Sirius Black."

Fenrir growled at Black.

"So you are the one who got my little brother hurt!"


"Living here under your watch will be his punishment until I see it fit to turn him back into a human."

"I can't eat him."

"no, I would advise you not to."

"Too bad. I rather eat him."

I smiled and hugged Fenrir's nose.

"Have fun, my son."

Fenrir gave a wolf like grin and nodded.

As I left the forest, I heard Fenrir giving Black his ground rules.

Falling (avengers x Harry Potter)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat