Chapter 39

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Once we believed the Malfoys to be completely settled in, Thor went to find his friends and distract them as Mother, Severus, Harry, and I returned to the throne room.

"Our guests are settled in, Odin, and Loki and his family will be departing now."

Odin stood from his throne and walked down the few the steps toward us.

"Will I be expecting more of your kind to be living in the palace without my permission?"

" I don't see why you're complaining. You're good at avoiding me, you will have no problem avoiding them as well. It's not like you ever visited my rooms anyway. As for any others of "my kind" I can only hope any others in need of a safe place to stay actually have a family that will help them and not have them killed because they are different. Now if you don't mind, Severus, Harry, and I have a lot of work to do. We have a war to plan and train for. I have to make lessons to help train our students to fight. We have potions to prepare for those who get wounded. So, excuse us, if we seem too hurried to leave your presence properly."

I then teleported my family and I out of the throne room and to our apartment and a fury of magic. I slung myself on the couch and held on head in my hands. That man makes me so angry! I felt Severus pull me in his arms, as I tried to calm my nerves.

I gave Severus a smile which grew into a light laugh when Harry brought us all my favorite hot chocolate from the kitchen.

After a night's rest, Severus and I met with Dumbledore and the Order in the Headmaster's office.

"Mister Malfoy was attacked by his own friends. I believe that our students might be in danger and not even know it."

Minerva was beside herself in anger and fear for her students.

"This is terrible Albus! What will we do?"

"We need the students to be prepared for the war, but how can we do that when some of our own are working for You-Know-Who?"

Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"I've decided we will end the school year early."

I heard Minerva gasp from the other side of the room.

"But, Albus, we still have four months left!"

"I can imagine Loki can think up an illusion good enough to close down Hogwarts."

Dumbledore looked to me with those twinkling eyes and I shrugged and smiled.

"That would be no problem, Headmaster."

"Then Hogwarts will send out letters to the students who we find able and willing to fight for Hogwarts. The Order and staff will train them. It could be considered a summer school. I believe Harry will be able to join as well since no students with Death Eater parents will be joining our 'summer courses'."

"What of the next school year?"

"The summer students and ourselves will pretend like nothing has happened. Simple as that."

Severus sighed. Does he really think the dunderheads can keep quiet?

We could put a spell on them that forbids them to talk about it.

I believe, as a professor, that is forbidden to curse a student, especially a group of students.

I won't tell if you won't tell.

Severus chuckled and shook his head.

"Is there something you two will like to bring up, Loki? Severus?"

"No Headmaster."

"Alright then, let's move on to what else needs to be discussed?"

I smirked. We just got outed.

Severus mock glared before we went back to listening to more of Dumbledore's meeting. When it ended, the staff and I went to breakfast like nothing was wrong. Same with our classes, we just went about our business. Once dinner was almost over, Severus and I left the dining hall early and went straight to our rooms and to the apartment. I had a lot of planning to do tonight.

In Asgard, my illusions and pranks were simple and easy to create. I grew up around the people I pranked. I knew what they hated, what they were scared of, and what they did throughout the day. Here in Hogwarts, it's slightly...ok, it's completely different. Yes, I have met every staff member, every student, every portrait, and every ghost, but I don't know them well enough. I haven't even been here a whole year yet. Plus I don't know how Hogwarts, herself, would act to an illusion or what would be too over the line.

Good point, you don't want to endanger the students.

I mentally jumped out of my thoughts to Severus' voice.

"Don't do that! You frightened me!"

Severus smirked.

"Me? The god of mischief frightened by me? I may take that as a compliment."

I mock glared before I chuckled.

"Is there something you need, Severus?"

Severus sat down beside me, wrapping one arm around me in a side hug.

"Not much. Just thought I could your consist rambling in giving me a headache."

He gave an innocent smile. I give him a side glare.

"Hmm...I think I have rubbed off on you and I am not sure if I like it..."

Severus raised an eyebrow.

"I have no idea what you a talking about."

I chuckled as he kissed my forehead.

"What were you planning on doing?"

"There are many possibilities, but I need one good enough to close the school down until the next school year. I think I'm going to put illusions on the a few of the houses."

"Which ones?"

"Both Slytherian and Gryffindor would be the easiest. I'm thinking an illusion of a freak thunder storm during lunch. High winds and lighting will ruin a good chunk of the tower and a flash flood will happen in the dungeon. I'll ask for Thor and Jo's help boost the effects department of this illusion."

"So our rooms will be flooded too?"

"It's an illusion, don't worry, but the illusion will make it so half of our students have no place to stay and some staff members as well. Plus it will mean Hogwarts needs to strength it's magic barriers, so it won't happen again."

"That will give us the chance to strength Hogwarts, herself, for the war."


"Sounds like a whole day illusion..."

"It will be. I asked Mother to be here earlier tomorrow and to bring Thor with her. There will a forecast of a light rain tomorrow morning followed by a high winds and multiple scattered thunderstorms and flash flood warnings, curtsy of Jo, in the afternoon...maybe I'll throw in some tornadoes as well."

Severus chuckled as he led me back to our rooms and to bed.

"Sounds like a great day is ahead of us tomorrow. We should get some sleep."

I smiled, excited to be able to use my illusions for a really big prank.

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