Chapter 68

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Hey guyssssss....

Guess what..?

*Le gasp*?

An update?

Is that what you want?

Well your going to have to wait just a LITTLE bit longer...

You want it now..?


Are you sureeeee?

Well... okay then!

(Thor's POV)

As we ran towards the forest, I could see a familiar hut in the distance. Fenrir! Fenrir could help us!

"Fenrir! Fenrir!"

Lady Sif forced out.

"What are you doing Thor?!"

"Fenrir can help us find Young Harry!"

As we came to the hut, we saw no one in sight.



We called out but no one answered. Suddenly we heard a howl and a black dog jumped out of the forest bushes and into the open.

"Hurry, this way! Harry is in trouble!"

We followed the dog into the forest.

"Where is Loki?!"

"I sent him a patronus, Sirius! He should be on his way!"

"Well done, Herimone! Let's hurry!"

We came upon a lake where we saw flashes a bright light among darkness. As we got closer, it became colder and the dark mass was actually a swarm of the dark beasts circling Young Harry, whom was trying with all his might, to fight off the beasts. My anger grew. I no longer knew if the storm that was raging was my anger or not. I ran head first toward the swarm.

"Nephew! We will save you!"

"Wait! Thor!"

I shot out lightening at the swarm, knocking them away and creating a path to Young Harry. As I approached Harry that's when I noticed Fenrir towering over Harry and trying to shield him from the beasts. Harry was curled in on himself, but he noticed me.


I held Harry close.

"I'm hear now nephew. I'm here."

I looked up at Fenrir.

"What are they doing to my nephew?"

Fenrir looked down at me and I could tell he was worried.

"They are killing him...slowly. They don't affect me, but they do for him and they will affect you too."

I could see the beasts returning to swarm around Young Harry again. I held him closer. Fenrir continued to look at me.

"Where's Father?"

"He's coming."

I laid my nephew on the ground and stood above him.

"For now, I will help you protect him."

Fenrir nodded and roared.

I shot lightening out again and again but they kept coming. I could feeling the life slip away from me as they neared me. I understood what was happening. I could faintly hear Young Harry's friends calling out spells, but there were too many. Suddenly a burst of familiar green magic formed in front of us. I smiled. Loki.

"Expecto Patronum!"

I huge winged deer appeared and drove the beasts away like it was nothing. I returned my attention to Harry.

"Harry? Can you hear me? Your father is here. Loki is here."

Harry opened his eyes slightly.


Suddenly Loki was beside me.

"I'm here. They are gone."

Loki picked Harry up and carried him toward the others.

The Friends of Harry ran towards us.

"Harry! Harry! Is he alright?!"

"He'll need medical attention and rest when we head back to the school."

Loki and the others walked ahead as my friends approached me. Lady Sif punched me in the arm.

"Never do that again!"

"I had to save my nephew!"

Hogun spoke up.

"Are you alright?"

I shivered and rubbed my arm.

"I believe so. If I didn't attack, I would have never known my nephew was dying. They were sucking his life out of him slowly."

I noticed Lady Sif bite her lip.

"Sorry Thor...I didn't know."

I nodded absentmindedly.

"I was scared. That is only a glimpse of what the children are up against. Loki. My brother is strong. I have no doubt his magic can help his son and the other children, but... will it be enough."

I let my friends think that over as I followed the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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