Chapter 43

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More months of preparing the students had passed and before we knew it, it was Harry's birthday. These past few months had been so serious and work related that we wanted to much sure Harry had a good relaxing birthday. Severus and I arranged a surprise party for Harry in the Great Hall. All the "summer school" students and the Order were there along with my mother and Thor, whom managed to get the Malfoys to come too. Young Mister Malfoy had been healing nicely since they had arrived in Asgard. According to the letter sent between Severus and Narcissa, Odin had left them alone and Mother has found a friend in Mrs. Malfoy as well. Even Draco and Harry send letters to each other. According to Harry, Draco mostly complains, as usual, of Thor's consist boisterous presence and Mother's consisting dotting on him when she's around; apparently he gets enough dotting from his own mother.

We made Harry different favored cakes and Dobby made sure we had a grand feast for his birthday. I managed to escape the castle grounds with Severus to get Harry some birthday gifts including large quantities of candy that I can not guarantee will not be eaten by myself in the near future... but I digress. We also got Harry a new broom, some books, new quills, some new clothes, and his own wizards chess set. Once everyone made it to the Great Hall, Severus and I went to our apartment to get Harry.

Once we arrived at the apartment, we found Harry playing with Frigga in the sitting area.

"What will we be working on today?"

"Today, Loki and I will be giving a lesson in the Great Hall with all the students present. We better hurry, the others should be there already."

"What kind of lesson?"

"It will be a lesson that will be less stressful for everyone. We have all been working very hard."

We soon came upon the Great Hall's doors.

"By the way, Harry, I believe it's someone's birthday. I know most of the days these past months have been spent learning and practicing, but would you like to do anything fun today?"

Harry gave a small smile.

"It's alright. We can just hangout with some hot chocolate before bed."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Hm. We could do that, but we do that every night...Severs and I were thinking something more fun..."

Harry looked confused.

"Like what?"

Severus then opened the doors and revealed a Hall full of people yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!"

Harry's smile grew from ear to ear in excitement, his friends gave him hugs and every gave him an individual birthday greeting. He was surprised when Draco and Narcissa came up to wish him a 'happy birthday' as well.

We all enjoyed a relaxing day of good food, great company, wizard chest, broom flying, fireworks thanks to the Weasley twins. Harry received many gifts and I believe he enjoyed himself. The party lasted until in the late evening. Everyone slowly disappeared to rest or prepare for the next day. Mother and Thor were the last to leave with Narcissa and Draco and soon it was just the three of us.

Harry hugged us both.

"Thank you so much! that was the best birthday ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You're welcome Harry."

Harry's party was a nice break, but of course the good spirit didn't last long. It begun when Severus and I were woken up early due to a fire call from Dumbledore.

"What's so important this early in the morning, Albus?!"

"I'm sorry Severus, Loki, but I have some news that may ruin our plans."

"Well, what is it?"

Dumbledore came through the floo to address us.

"The Ministry is sticking their nose where it does not belong. They want to send someone in as a professor to inspect Hogwarts and it's safety to the students. They found out of Harry's disappearance and the damage done to Hogwarts by the storm made them suspicion."

"We were planning on Harry rejoining Hogwarts this year. Mother says he is had perfected his spells in defense and offense and he's learned a lot in the art of wandless magic as well."

"We will still be having an unwanted member added to our staff and this Ministry member will be watching all of us."

"Soooo I can't just feed this person to Jo of Fenrir then."

Dumbledore chuckled lightly.

"No...not so soon anyway, my boy."

I snorted...he didn't completely say 'no'. Severus shook his head.

"They will be watching you the most Loki. They were not happy that I did not inform them of your arrival as a staff member. I'm surprised they didn't say anything sooner. I was sure Mister Malfoy would have complained right away."

Severus stifled a laugh as I grinned.

"I don't know why either, Headmaster."

Severus cleared his throat.

"Who is the Ministry member that will be joining us, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore frowned.

"Dolores Umbridge."

I looked between Severus and Dumbledore.


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