Chapter 30

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For the rest of the night, Severus and I kept watch over Harry. We were at his side for every reoccurring nightmare. We let Thor take our room for the night and Draco took the sitting room couch.

We were never informed if Black was ever found. The man was probably hiding for his life...and it's not because the dark wizard is back. I actually hope Black isn't found; I don't want to see his face ever again...but then...I also have urge to kill the man. I sighed tiredly.

Get some sleep, Loki. I will watch over Harry.

I gave Severus a tired smile. I'm fine, it's just been a long day...

We will likely have a meeting in the morning, Loki. Now that You-Know-Who is back...everything will be difficult. He will be planning his war and we will need to plan as well.

I frowned and moved some of Harry's hair out of his face. He's only a boy...still considered a baby compared to my centuries. I stared at Harry's sleeping face, finally calmly sleeping after another bout of nightmares. I would do anything to protect him.

We all will.

Severus and I got little sleep that night. The three of us were woken up by a wide awake Thor and a grumpy Draco.

"Your brother is really loud, Professor Loki."

Harry gave a small sleepy smile and I sighed.

"I know..."

"I am sorry Brother, but Mother should be on her way here soon."

''You are right, Thor. "

We all got ready for the day and ate some breakfast. By that time, Mother had arrived. She flung herself at Harry.

"Harry. I'm so sorry. How are you today?"

"I'm fine now, Grandmother. It wasn't your fault. I am sorry to worry you."

"I will always worry Harry. It's what mothers and grandmothers do."

Not long after, Dumbledore brought the Order over to the apartment. Lupin looked grim.

"We have yet to find Sirius. We don't know if he has been captured by the Death Eaters or if he is on the run."

Harry frowned and I sighed.

"I figured we wouldn't find him in only one night."

"We will keep searching though."

Tonks stepped in.

"We have some bad news too... There was another prison break. Sirius' deranged cousin Bellatrix Lestrange, the leader of the werewolves Fenrir Greyback, along with others have escaped."

Moody stepped in.

"With Greyback on their side, that means they already have an army of werewolves recruited! They are likely recruiting others as we speak!"

I looked at the two of them with confusion.

"Fenrir? A werewolf?"

Lupin stepped in.

"He is a werewolf like me, but he has embraced the werewolf side of him. His goal is to bite as many as possible and create an unstoppable army. Greyback is the one who...who bit me, but I would not become like him. I will not become a monster."

I frowned.

"I understand. You fear your other half...I understand perfectly."

I felt Thor place a hand on my shoulder.

"But you gave me any idea...This idea may be crazier then when I decided to go back to Asgard."

Severus looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Because it includes me going back to Asgard and going against the Allfather's orders."

"Brother...what orders do you speak of?"

"Thor...will you do anything to help my family?"

"Of course. What is it you need me to do?"

"I need you to help me free two of my children."

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