Chapter 394

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There was no point in dwelling on this issue any further. Chaeyoung quickly sold her properties in the Yan State. Someone from the Capital City had been sent to pick both of them up.

Jisoo kept his words and did not allow Chaeyoung to meet An An from the beginning to the end.

When they returned to Capital City, the Kim family had already prepared a newlywed house waiting for the bride to move in.

Jiao Shuzhen's attitude was also extremely enthusiastic, and Kim Jingshan had even sent a chef to take care of her daily diet. Chaeyoung was not used to it, and she was a little overwhelmed with flattery.

Jisoo were off during the weekends, so he wanted to bring her to buy clothes.

"I have enough clothes. Besides, I've gained weight recently, so let's wait until I've slimmed down before buying." Chaeyoung wanted to refuse, but it seemed like Jisoo did not understand her words. He dragged her out as he wished, and she did not even have time to put on makeup.

The car moved at full speed up until they arrived at a huge wedding dress chain organization. Only then did Chaeyoung realized that Jisoo was talking about wedding dresses.

The service lady sounded very eager, and it seemed like she knew Jisoo. "Mr. Kim, please come in! Let's see if you like our wedding dress theme this season."

She brought Jisoo and Chaeyoung to the VIP area as she spoke. After pouring a drink for the two of them, the service lady looked at Chaeyoung politely and smiled gently. "Mr. Kim, your wife is really beautiful. Although she did not put on any makeup, she has very nice features that suit the theme for this season."

Jisoo seemed to be very happy when someone praised his beautiful wife. The corner of his lips curled up, and he could not suppress how proud he was. "Bring me the album and let me have a look."

The theme of this season was the starry sky, so all the wedding dresses looked airy and flowy but not extravagant. All the accessories were simple. There were no large-sized diamonds in sight, yet the dresses still seemed very elegant.

After going through the album once, Chaeyoung had already found a couple of designs that she liked. Even though she did not say anything, she secretly liked them very much.

Jisoo was choosing very seriously. With holographic imaging technology, they could simulate the effect of wearing the wedding dresses without needing to go through the tedious process of undressing.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo went on choosing for a long time. After going through the few designs that they had picked, they finally came down to just two designs, one in Western style and one in Chinese style.

In addition to the main wedding dress, they still had to choose a guest-greeting dress and a wine toasting dress. Therefore, Jisoo took Chaeyoung to a few more stores. Fortunately, the two of them were not particularly picky, so they managed to settle everything in one day. The only thing left to do was to wait for the dresses to be made so that she could try it on.

Jisoo was driving the car, and Chaeyoung could not help but ask on their way back, "Why does it seem like you're so familiar with the people in these stores?"

"Before you came back, I often visited the stores!" Jisoo said. Then, he paused and turned to look at Chaeyoung affectionately. He knew that she would not understand why he visited the stores for nothing, so he continued, "I've always fantasized that I would bring you there one day."

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and looked at Jisoo deeply with her misty eyes. She caressed the man's tall nose and whispered in a low voice, "Big Brother Jisoo, I've also longed for this day for many years already... Tell me, this isn't a dream, right?"

"You fool!" Jisoo pinched her little nose and said, "Of course it's not a dream!"

"Then, let me pinch you and see if it hurts?"

"Okay!" The man nodded earnestly.

Chaeyoung snorted and said, "You are such a fool. You'll be hurting, not me. I still don't know if I'm dreaming or not!"

"Then, what about I pinch you?" Jisoo said while laughing naughtily.

Chaeyoung pushed him and said, "Focus on driving!"

Jisoo saw the forked road in front and turned the steering wheel to the other side. Chaeyoung noticed that it was not the way home and she found it strange. "Where are we going?"

Jisoo did not answer and continued to focus on driving.

When they were getting closer to the suburbs, Chaeyoung saw the signpost indicating the forest park. She recalled that this place was very far away from home and got a little angry. "What are you doing again?

Jisoo parked the car in a quiet place on the side of the road, unbuckled the seat belt, and said in a hoarse low voice, "I have not tried doing it in the car yet..."

Chaeyoung was left speechless.


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now