Chapter 278

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Jennie received Yan Jun's call saying that he was waiting for her at the entrance of her unit.

Jennie's curiosity was aroused. It was afternoon now. What trick was that man playing again?

Yan Jun saw Jennie coming out and noted the light makeup on her. He commented in his heart that Mistress was naturally born with good features. Even with such a simple makeup, her charm could bewitch anyone in a second, and she really stood out from the crowd.

Jennie had on her a white cotton T-shirt and long denim braces skirt with a pair of white shoes.

Her legs were lean and straight, and her back was upright. Her high ponytail swayed about, adding a sense of youthfulness. She was not in the socialite dressing she used to be, and this made people's eyes light up.

Yan Jun waved at Jennie. "Mistress, over here!"

Jennie glanced about. She did not want her colleagues to see her being picked up in a Bentley.

"Mistress, Young Master has asked me to pick you up for lunch."

Getting into the car, Yan Jun saw that Jennie had fastened her seatbelt and smilingly said.

Lisa was very mindful. Presumably, it was because yesterday she had remarked that she was not eating well, hence this man came up with such an idea.

The bellyful of exasperation she was filled with from the morning had made Jennie lost her appetite, hence she just let Lisa did whatever he wanted.


Lisa made reservations in a restaurant that served Hong Kong cuisine. The food here had a lighter taste, and the environment was elegant.

On the water stage in the corner of the restaurant, the saxophonist was playing a loving and melodious tune, while soft lights shone on the corner of the restaurant.

This was a couple-seat. The table was draped with a light yellow tablecloth, and there was a bouquet of roses on it.

The unopened bottle of wine was shimmering with a captivating reflection of light...

Lisa seemed to have waited for some time. His forehead leaned against his hand, showing off his slender and fair fingers with its distinct joints. His head was lowered and his eyes shut.

Jennie approached him, but her heart was beating fast.

Having known him for more than ten years, she had never received any flowers from him.

Is the bouquet of flamboyant roses for her?

"Why are you still standing there?" "Did Mistress think that I was waiting for someone else?"

Lisa looked up and saw Jennie coming closer and noted the thoughts she had, which was written all over her face.

He took the bouquet of roses, smelled it, and used an apologetic tone.

"Mistress wouldn't mind this bouquet of roses having come too late, would you?"

Jennie hated that he could see through everything yet still maintained the bearing of a gentleman, spouting those mild but coquettish words.

However, she also could not refuse such a 360-degree, handsome-looking man being romantic for no particular reason.

"The manner that Mr Manoban is in, is it a belated marriage proposal?"

She pulled out the chair and took her seat. Accepting the flowers from Lisa's hands, the corner of Jennie's lips raised as she smiled ironically.

What she had said was not wrong. In fact, back then, he had not proposed to her but had only mentioned it to Woo-bin. She had felt ecstatic and was preparing to be his Mistress. Even the various wedding decorations were all planned and done by her.

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now