Chapter 327

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It was normal for Luo Hai's aristocratic families to hold banquets.

Jennie had previously experienced these festivities while she was still part of the Kim Family.

She had only attended one of these events after being released from prison. That was the banquet that the Manoban Family held during the National Day.

Her state of mind had changed drastically since then.

As she waited for Shin Hye to return to her normal self, she had had times where she hated Lisa and times where she loved him as well.

Her mind had become calmer now that she was about to become a mother soon. Without these unstable emotions, she had ceased to reject the idea of public gatherings.

A theme would be set for the Mid-Autumn Festival every year. This year, Lisa had suggested that they use this opportunity to hold a charity event to raise funds.

"Normally, these wealthy aristocratic families have expensive but unused items at home. Instead of letting them go to waste, we should give them this opportunity to sell their items and donate the money to charity. We can put the remaining items up for auction and used the collected funds for public welfare."

Lisa told Jennie his plan.

Jennie supported Lisa's idea of helping the poor by robbing the rich entirely.

"Can some of the funds be allocated as financial aid for families like Sun Xu's where one of the family members was killed in action?"

Jennie was still thinking about the victims of Nie Chao's case.

She discovered through Sun Xu's family that there were many other families in the same predicament as them. They already had a hard time surviving on nothing but the government's subsidies. Worst of all, they had to encounter a government official like Nie Chao.

Lisa nodded and said, "Of course. You can go to the storeroom at home and pick some items. We'll auction them off."

The Manoban Family certainly had an impressive number of antiques. Most of them were collected when the Old Master was still alive. The Old Mistress would instruct her staff to sort out the antiques that still looked decent and place them in the main hall in Upper Mansion.

The antiques of average quality and condition had been simply piled up in the storeroom. Jennie happily accepted this task and took Ah Fu along with her to select the antiques.

Ah Fu knew that the Manoban Family had numerous antiques, but Lisa was not the kind to decorate his house with such things. Hibiscus Garden was designed in a clean and minimalistic way. The girl had never been here before, so she could not help to be a little curious when she went in. She had helped Jennie chose a jade crescent blade with an Azure Dragon (TL: Traditional Chinese symbol) design.

On the other hand, Jennie had selected a Child-Sending Guanyin statue with eight different colored metals and jade embedded at the base, a pair of porcelain plates, and a watercolor painting on a long scroll painted by the Manoban Dynasty painter, Wang Meng.


The banquet was held in the main hall of Luo Hai's largest seven-star hotel, the Grand Prosperity International Hotel.

A line of luxury cars had already started to form at the entrance to the hotel before it was even seven o'clock.

Their guests included the elites of the business world and important politicians.

Naturally, the security checks at the entrance were extremely strict. The visitors went through the security checks one after another with their invitation cards in hand. The items that they had brought to be auctioned also had to be declared before they were collected by the staff and moved inside in preparation for the auction.

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