Chapter 381

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As Chaeyoung's collar was slightly wide, more than half of her shoulders were exposed when she moved. Now that she grew her hair out, the long strands messily hung over her shoulders. Her vision seemed blurry as her eyes had misted over. She pouted her thin lips and complained, "What's so dangerous? You don't have to be afraid... I'll protect you..."

People would want to take advantage of her when she appeared weak and gentle like this...

"What if I told you that I was the bad person who wanted to bully you?"

Jisoo intentionally lowered his voice. He rubbed himself against her ears and repeatedly blew hot air inside. She hated that ticklish feeling very much, she shook her furry head trying to avoid the blasts of air that he stirred up near her sensitive spots.

"You're not... A bad person..."

Chaeyoung was very loyal. She was wholeheartedly devoted to Jisoo. She would not believe it even if everyone else said that he was an evil person.

"Yes, I'm not a bad person. However, I really want to do naughty things with you tonight..." As he said this, Jisoo unashamedly kissed her lips while his large hands frantically explored her body.

He set about his task while he led her to the bedroom at the same time.

The woman's little face had gradually turned redder by the time he pressed her down on the light orange-colored large bed. It might be a reaction caused by the alcohol, but she did not resist him at all. Rather, she was cooperating with his actions.

"Help me take my clothes off!" ordered Jisoo.

Chaeyoung obediently reached her hands out and helped him unfasten his buttons.

All of his muscles were well formed. Men like him always looked like they were extremely vigorous as they were brimming with stamina. During romantic encounters, they caused women to...

When Chaeyoung stroked those taut parts with her little hands, she quietly exclaimed, "So handsome..."

"Do you like it?" Jisoo chuckled quietly. He liked it when she was infatuated with him.

Chaeyoung nodded her head resembling a chick that was pecking at grains. She ran her little hands over him and said, "I do! In the future, will all of this belong to me?"

Jisoo's smile became more apparent. He kissed her little nose and made a promise. "It'll all be yours. As long as you're a good girl, you can touch me anytime you wish."

Jisoo started to tease every inch of her body.

A little while later, the woman writhed like a little snake underneath his body.

"I'll never drink alcohol again... I don't feel good... It's so hot..."

Her smooth skin started sweating as it turned red from the warmth. She complained while she anxiously grabbed his shoulders.

"Good girl, I'll help you cool down now."


Jisoo had thoroughly restrained himself, but the woman continued to moan quietly. She had faintly sobered up. Her glistening doe-like eyes looked at Jisoo in disbelief while she pouted her little mouth. Her voice sounded delicately sweet as she complained, "In the end, you're still a bad person!"

When Jisoo realized that she was not afraid anymore, he knew that he did not have to restrain himself around her either.

The desires that he usually suppressed now poured out of him like an erupting volcano.

This was the second time that he had ravaged Chaeyoung.

However, he seemed much gentler now than he did the previous time.

Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now