Chapter 378

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Chaeyoung had guessed correctly.

Jiao Shuzhen had prepared a feast for lunch because she knew that she was at fault. She paced along the balcony on the second floor, hoping that her son would return soon.

The Kim Family had excellent traits and the members of that family were outstanding. The parents were loving and their kids were filial. The harmonious atmosphere in the family had allowed Jisoo to mature into a tough yet kind-hearted man.

The family did things in a democratic manner. Although Kim Jingshan had interfered with Jisoo's work before because he was worried for his safety, he would still respect Jisoo's decisions in the end. Jisoo's relaxed personality had been cultivated in this way.

Unfortunately, Jiao Shuzhen had drugged her son yesterday. Her actions could definitely be seen as a destructive attack on the harmonious atmosphere in the family.

Although Jisoo was an arrogant and uninhibited man, he had inherited his father's conservative style of thinking that emphasized filial piety for one's parents. Wei Hongmian's family would not simply allow him to get up and leave either.

If he had really slept with Wei Hongmian yesterday, he would be left with no alternative today.

Thus, one could imagine why Jiao Shuzhen became increasingly afraid when she realized that Jisoo would certainly resent her for that.

He was her only son.

When she met Jisoo's cold and mocking gaze last night, she finally realized Chaeyoung's importance to Jisoo.

Jiao Shuzhen did not dare to lose her son simply due to the matter of him marrying which women as her future daughter-in-law.

The final dish was served on the table when the antique English grandfather clock struck twelve times. The guard jogged over to meet Jisoo's car that was parked at the entrance.

Chaeyoung hid behind Jisoo and matched his pace.

This day had finally arrived after such a long wait. She finally revealed how frightened she was.

She seemed more anxious today than the previous time when Jiao Shuzhen and Wei Hongmian came to force her out.

"Xiaodai, don't be afraid. My father is a kind man." Jisoo carried the gift in one hand and held Chaeyoung's hand in the other.

He had fought with Jiao Shuzhen before, but that did not mean that he would be unreasonable.

They went to the department store early in the morning so that they could buy some presents on Chaeyoung's behalf.

Chaeyoung currently felt that she was not prepared to do this. She took the gift Jisoo and trailed behind him by taking one small step after another.

Jisoo's expression became more and more relaxed as he took in the furnishings in the courtyard.

Inside the courtyard, Jingshan had traded his military uniform for a gray-colored set of traditional Chinese clothing that made him look energetic and invigorated.

"Father, I've brought Xiaodai home to meet you." Jisoo walked toward him and pulled his future wife over from behind. Chaeyoung smiled. Her voice was crisp as she said, "Hello, uncle. I'm Park Qingdai."

Kim Jingshan studied the lady and smiled.

This girl was not extremely attractive, but her watery eyes were clean and free from murkiness.

She did not put on any makeup. She was dressed in a very simple style of clothing that made others feel comfortable being around her. Her milky-white dress made her look like a "unique beauty" that most fathers liked...

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