Chapter 250

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"I'll help you seek the truth and avenge Nancy's death!" Jennie said firmly.

When Yanni heard Jennie's words, the hesitation in her
eyes deepened.

"Miss Kim, is what you say for real?"
Jennie nodded .

Yanni's lips quivered, her eyes were humble
and persistent as if she had seen a little hope.

"Why would you want to do that?"

When Jennie heard Yanni's question, she chuckled bitterly, "Aunty Yanni, you've got a poor memory. Have you forgotten? I was also once a murder suspect."

Yanni was stunned as if she had just recalled such an event. She mumbled softly, "I've never suspected you."

Hearing that, Jennie felt rather surprised. As the mother of the victim, Yanni had actually said that she had never suspected her.

"Why's that?" Jennie asked.

Yanni answered, "I've felt that there was something fishy about Nancy's death. Moreover, I've known about your mother, Shin Hye. She's a famous socialite in Jiang Cheng. Although I've never had any contact with her, I'm aware that she's a very nice person. She's very kind and
has done many charitable deeds. How could the daughter she brought up be that cruel... My Nancy... She's that... that weak... How could one have done that..."

Perhaps because Yanni recalled Nancy's tragic death,
hence she was weeping sadly again.

Jennie heard that Yanni had personally confessed a truth - the woman who had died was indeed Nancy!

"Aunty, what you said is right. My mother had taught me since young to be kind to others. I'd never commit such a brutal act..." When Jennie spoke up to this point, she began to choke up. "However, you're well aware that back then when I was arrested as a suspect, one of the reason was that someone had deliberately framed me...

"I've waited painfully for two years in prison. Now, besides you, I'm the one who desires the most to find the killer!"

This made Yanni saw Jennie's sincerity.

"Consider it avenging Nancy's death. Shouldn't you tell me what really happened? How did Somi and Nancy swap identities?"

As Jennie spoke, she moved in a step closer, and her pressuring gaze caused Yanni to have nowhere to hide.

Yanni lowered her head and was somewhat flustered. She
whispered, "If I tell you the truth, you wouldn't hurt Somi, would you?"

Jennie was taken aback for a moment. After giving it some thoughts, she understood this woman's meaning. Even though Somi had not treated her kindly, she was, after all, her daughter, hence she was worried about Somi's safety.

"Don't worry, I won't harm Somi. Moreover, if the Manoban Family knows that Somi is not dead, they'd treat her even better. How'd they harm her?"

What Jennie had said was the truth. Just that Old Mistress Manoban alone, she probably was more delighted to see Somi than to see her.

Yanni sighed gently. She had indeed seen the Manoban Family's kind treatment toward Qinger. Maybe even if Somi had crossed a line, they would also pardon her.

Hence, after considering her words, Yanni opened her mouth to speak. "Three years ago, Nancy had an opportunity to have a heart transplant."

There was a faint light in Jennie's eyes. She did not interject as she already knew that that heart was acquired through Xia Tao's abuse of power by harming a teenager.

However, the reason Jennie did not mention that she had been to City C was so that Yanni would not feel pressured.

After all, Nancy was under the provision of Xia Tao at that time, and it was an undignified matter. However, this mother had silently agreed and connived it!

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